Table of Contents
A Celebration of a New Era
in the History of Female Sexual Self-Awareness
As it is quickly becoming hip to be a woman with big sexy labia, what better to do than have a website about
just that! But more than just an opportune jump on the bandwagon, this site is a celebration of this new era in the history of female sexual self-awareness. It marks
the end of the labia shame and the beginning of an age where you as a woman can also be proud to be "endowed."
The main aspect of this site is purely educational. The use of photographs will teach you about the variety of vulva shapes and sizes. It will also help to convince skeptical women and inexperienced men that protruding vulvas with large
inner labia are indeed incredibly sexy. In fact, when it comes to raw sex appeal, they easily outdo the smaller ones.
Let's talk some more about labia on the next pages, along with looking at some very sexy examples.
Attention. Did
you know that each and every day
thousands of young girls are losing their labia and clitoris against
their will? They call it Female Genital Mutilation and it is one of the worst human rights violations ever. Let's do something about it...
the fight against Female Genital Mutilation
Taking care of your labia
a woman you probably know exactly how your vulva looks like. Every so often you'll get out the hand mirror to see how your kitty is
doing. You groom it, shave it and take care of
it... page 1
tanning tricks
your pussy lips are all oiled up with lotion,
lay back and open your legs wide. Squeeze your
labia minora together so the inner skin doesn't
dry too much...
page 3
How to tan your labia
You've likely felt how nice it is to take off your bra at the beach and feel the sunshine on your breasts.
Unfortunately, most women never get to feel the sun on their naked
pussy... page 2
Sucking a pair of big pussy lips
You may wonder why men and lesbians love large pussy lips so much. Besides the fact that large lips look cool, they are
also tons of fun to suck on and to play with... page 4
More oral sex with large labia
To you lucky guys and dykes who have girlfriends with large sexy labia, there is so much you can do with your mouth during oral sex. Take the labia in your mouth and pull them with your
lips... page 5
Big pussy lips in panties
are sexy!
is something exquisitely exciting about the view of a plump big-lipped pussy that's tightly contained in sexy sheer
panties. It's the way the fabric clings to the
labia and... page 7
Labia and clit piercings
Until the late nineties, clit and labia piercings were often associated with
BDMS. Now such piercings are accepted as just another popular way of decorating the body...
page 6
Labia worshipping
Her inner labia stick out to the front, like an upright clam made from tender flesh. Now place your hands on her inner thighs left and right of her
vulvar mound... page 8
More photos of some very sexy labia
1 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
And don't forget to check out the tons of letters sent in by visitors.
Some are
wonderfully written, like this magnificent true story titled,
A Woman like You
Your superfine vulva deserves to get dressed up in something equaly dazzling and sensuous. With that in mind, I searched for gorgeous g-strings with creative designs that accentuate the lusciousness of your labia... read on
Occasional labia stretching and pumping is a fun
way to add some excitement to your pussy play. If
you do it regularly and consistently it can also
be a method for permanently enlarging one or both
labia. Quality equipment is hard to find out there,
but here is a list with the good stuff...
labia clamps and weights and
pussy pumps.
With or without hair, your pussy is something superbly
erotic and therefore it shouldn't matter whether you
shave or not. Still, I believe
it is something every woman should try at least once.
It let's you appreciate the shape and feel of your
vulva and it intensifies the sexual sensations... read on.
Plus learn how
to shave your pubic hair
Pink is a wonderful little book about pubic styling and
grooming, perfect for the modern woman who cares about
her femininity and who enjoys looking good and feeling great about
herself... read on
If you ever thought of decorating your labia with
non-piercing jewelry made from quality materials then
you have to see the products from Arabesque Body
Creations and Design. They make some very pretty pussy dangles
and clit caressers... read on
Article in response to a letter by a female reader.
Women sometimes feel pressured to look like the
Playboy girls (vulva that's even and uniform with no visible
inner labia). "If protruding labia are a turn-on
for men, why then does Playboy avoid them in its magazine or
even photoshops them," they wonder. Is it because
Playboy believes they are unattractive?
Not so! True, they are hardly ever present in their regular
magazine, but have you looked at the Playboy Special
Editions ? It all boils down to the rules about
the display of discreet genital detail... part 1,
part 2
Update: Playboy's Playmate of the Year 2004 is
Carmella DeCesare.
This stunning brunette with rather protruding labia is a
further proof that the magazine likes labia as much as
anyone else. Plus: How
girls can apply to pose for Playboy and become the next Playmate.
The practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is one of the most
deplorable human rights violations ever. It happens in
plenty of countries where altogether the genitals of
6000 girls per day are physically destroyed under the
mum of tradition and culture. We can cringe in horror to
this nightmarish scenario, but we can also help out...
read on
Also take a moment to visit the message board
Or visit,
the image forum for our members.
I hope you enjoyed it! More stuff to come...
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