Hey, I feel for you. . .
That does suck that he would make
that much of an attempt to hurt your feelings.
But in
reality, I think you need to realize exactly what it is. . .he was
just trying to hurt your feelings.
Often, when people "break
up" or "divorce", they find it hard to just "live and let live". .
.instead people think of incredilous ways to destroy the other
person's emotions, and feelings, really in an attempt to make them
feel the same way that they are feeling, and so the process repeats.
It really, unfortunately, is just a vicious cycle.
I went through a bad break-up with my ex, whom I have a son with,
and she has labia that hang too. . .to this day, I still think her
cooch is sexy, and I never said anything bad about it (even when we
broke up), but I did find myself doing other things to make her feel
bad, just so she could feel the way I felt.
Our son is now 8
years old, he'll be 9 this year. I am now married to a
different woman, whom I adore, who also has long labia (lucky me!),
and is just as sexy as they come (I literally can't keep my hands off
her -- that's probably how we popped out two beautiful daughters
within 2 years!).
But, I resented her, and held a lot of
animosity towards her for certain things. . .things that are really
ridiculous. I've since forgiven her (and told her so), and boy
has there been a huge relief off my shoulders.
We went from
not talking at all. . .even my wife disliked her. . .
Now we
talk all the time, even my wife talks to her, and they spend 30-45
minutes on the phone talking to each other about everything.
But it took for me to forgive her, and realize that I by holding
animosity towards her, I was only creating a problem out of thin air,
because in reality there was no problem, and no reason for me to hold
animosity towards her -- if anything she should have been the one
holding animosity towards me!
I broke up with her, and left
her for another woman (my now wife)!
I'm not perfect, and
don't claim to be. . .like every human walking the Earth, I'm subject
to the circumstances of my own experiences, and have learned to live
and let live.
But I also realize people do things sometimes
for the wrong reasons, and when it's wrong -- you can feel it.
It doesn't feel good.
So, in conclusion, if he never
complained about it before, it's probably because he enjoyed it, and
like sexing you to be call a spade a spade.
But, now since
you're breaking up. . .he probably feels like it's necessary to be
mean to make you feel the way he feels (he has no idea that you
probably do feel the way he feels, even without him saying mean
things about your cooch).
I wouldn't condone you saying
things to him that make him feel bad, since anger only creates more
A wise man once said: "Kindness is the entrance to
the heart of the beast."
That statement couldn't be more
I'm 30 years old, and I feel like I could change the
world just by paying forward what I have learned in my simple life
The long and short of it is this. . .
If you're hurting. . .he probably is too. There's no need
to make it worse by saying mean things to each other. Obviously
there has to be some maturity about the whole thing, and even with
maturity, instincts sometimes kick in to make the other person feel
like shit, because they've done it to you. It happens with me
to this day still with my wife. . .sometimes we argue, and we both
say rude things to each other that are just plain fucked up.
The good news is. . .we both know what the truth is, and we both
know that the only reason we've said the things we've said is to
"push the other person's buttons". But, I have to tell you,
progress is incredible, because now, 8 years later, we can catch each
other sometimes before it spirals into a yelling/degrading match.
And more often than not too. Sometimes it's her,
sometimes it's me who says: "You know, that's not cool. I
understand you're upset, and I apologize, but I didn't say anything
to deserve what you just said", and it's as good as squashed right
there sometimes (and the makeup sex is just as good).
Listen. . .I'm gonna stop rambling. . .and the end of the day,
here's what I think you need to do:
Forgive him. . .he's
only human. You don't even have to tell him you forgive him (he
might take that the wrong way, since the wounds are still fresh
between you and him), but just having that feeling of forgiveness on
your own will make things all the much better for you (and maybe for
him too, later on). If you feel like it could be a beneficial
conversation between you and him to talk to each other without
degrading or being derogatory towards one another, call him up and
tell him you forgive him, and let him know that what he said hurt
your feelings beyond anything else he's ever said. Tell him
that you thought he liked your pussy, and that what he said was
really un-called for. . .see what happens from there.
think it may lead to some great makeup sex, and maybe the realization
of what I've been saying all along. . .the fact that he just said it
to you to hurt your feelings, when in reality, he loves your labia!
Let me know what happens. . .