It so obvious there's women and men who would
appreciate a site that would help them meet and communicate
SAFELY...of course I mean women with large labia and men who love
them. But a site like that doesn't exist yet. I think women like
myself don't really know what kind of men are on this site. Like age,
looks, if you're a weirdo or not. So that's why this site is not a
good place to try and meet women or men. But I understand why men
would try with the rarity of women like myself ;)
Right now
I'm 23, single and dating, looking for the right guy..I'm trying to
figure out ways that I could find out if the guys I date like large
labias without just coming right out and saying that I have one. If
they do say it's ugly or not what they like I wouldn't want to see
the guy anymore. Sex isn't everything in a relationship but I think
it's very important. I would have better sex with a man who I knew
loved large labia because I could just relax and let my labia get
really swollen without feeling uncomfortable about it.