April 13, 2005
Dear labi amore,
I am so glad to have come upon your wonderful
website dedicated to women with long beautiful labia. I too have very
long protruding labia and used to always be very consious of it and
ashamed but when i came across your website I was exstatic to see
women just like me and now i love my labia. What i was really
interested in was the men that have wrote in saying how much they love
long labia? I was so glad to hear this as i never thought that men
would find it even slightly attractive but now i do thanks to your
website. I would really like to know if there are any other websites
like this as yours seems to be the only one i have come across. Is
this because it is too sexually explicit? as that is what i heard.
What a joke! Really can they not open their eyes and see that not all
women are petit and tight and to appreciate the natural woman. I think
that magazines such as playboy are really portraying a wrong image of
what womens genitalia are supposed to look like and are driving
women to drastic measures to mutilate themselves. I really think
something should be done about this but I guess thats a long way off
and probably getting worse. Anyway thanks for your wonderful website
and to the wonderful men that appreciate the natural woman. I have
left my email as i would really like to hear from other people with
the same opinions as I to get in contact.
Thanks again!
Dear browniegal27,
I share your worries about this trend in some circles where women feel they should mutilate themselves so they can have a vulva of a child again. But the fact that labiaplasty surgery exists is not a bad thing in itself and I don't think something should be done against it. It's an option and that's all it is.
I just feel that women—and some men—should be enlightened about the sexiness of large labia. Not just to spare women from the possible side effects of labia surgery and the loss of something pleasurable, but—being a man—I see things from the male's perspective as well and it's nothing good.
If all women were to surgically reduce their vulvas to kiddy-style pussies, then the biggest losers would be us men. Any guy who enjoys eating pussy would be very disappointed to say the least. Imagine, instead of feeling the soft touch of full meaty labia against his mouth, he would be licking the hardened edges of insensitive scar tissue.
Recently I was reading a discussion where a man asks for advice on how to convince his wife not to have her labia surgically removed. He loves her long lips and has told her so many times. Yet she'd rather get rid of them because she's just too embarrassed by the bulge it makes in her aerobic outfit. If she decides to go on with the operation he knows that he will lose out on a lot of fun during sex.
What's next? Are girls with big nipples going to
have these removed as well because they protrude too much in a tight
dress? Playing with breasts that have no nipples, hmm, I can imagine
how much fun that would be...
It's true what you say, that people should understand that not all women are petit and tight down there. By "tight" you probably mean "flat and even" because we should make it clear for everyone that vaginal tightness has nothing to do with labia size. This is precisely one of the prejudgments some inexperienced men have towards women with large labia. They don't realize that a woman can have a very small vulva with the tiniest inner lips while having the loosest bucket-size vagina! Or she can be the tightest girl on the block and have huge pussy lips — it's really unrelated.
You also mention that magazines like Playboy are sending the wrong signal to women of what their genitals are supposed to look like. But remember though that Playboy's has nothing against women with protruding lips. All it is is that these magazines have to watch those silly rules about discrete genital detail. You may have read the article that discusses this. The very good news is that Playboy is slowly teaching the prudish part of the world population that showing extended labia doesn't make a picture any more pornographic. Their selection of Carmella Decesare as Playmate of the Year 2004 is a nice example of that.
One more thing my dear browniegal27,'s great to seek contact with others but I hope you will be careful not to exchange too much personal information. Share opinions all you want but if someone tries to meet you in person then it's not just about sharing opinions anymore. If you ever decide to see someone you've met online, especially if it's a man, let a close friend know about it and give her the guy's full name and other info. Be vigilant.