Ashamed, you are so very young, and you are just starting to learn about sex yourself, much less the attitudes of others. As you say, your partners have gone down on your pussy, played with those beautiful large lips of yours, and given you fabulous orgasms. How bad is that? With your wonderful large, hanging lips, and that large clit sticking out, your body is screaming that you are ready for sex. You will find many, many people who's greatest desire is to suck on those lips, and to play with that beautiful big clit. I know that people your age are extremely concerned with how others see them, but I promise you, the reviews will all be very positive, as long as you are seeing people who are worth while, and not someone who is so shallow that they think some scrawny model is the ideal of female beauty. You state that your partners so far have been quite inexperienced. You state that one of them was very shy. That's all quite normal at that age. Don't worry so much. From the sound of things you have a fabulous, sexy body. Just continue to make good use of it. The more you do, the more you will experience the benefits of your large lips and clit, the more you will come to understand how valuable they are, and how blessed you are to have them.