Thank you guys. I really appreciate your concern and advice. However,
firstly, i dont know if i'd be comfortable sending pics of my labia
over the internet. Plus, even if you guys like them, its only gonna
go so far in building my confidence because you guys have fetishes
for them, and most guys dont :/ I do play with my labia and I
appreciate them during that time, but beyond that.... they just dont
offer me much other than worry, stress, and pain. About the clothing,
i cant possibly wear skirts and dresses all the time, and i refuse to
do so without a tan anyway (which i am definately not tan). I like to
wear jeans, tight fitting, cute jeans, and it pinches soooo bad,
especially while sitting/driving. I dont really want surgery because
for one, ive seen before and after pictures and, the after pictures
still dont look "normal". And for two, the pain and loss of sensation
associated with it. But STILL. .. sometimes, i catch myself thinking
its gotta be better than this. Even if its a little smaller, that
should help with the pinching... I dont know.. im at a loss, and im
just tired of it all... i shouldnt have to think about this... girls
have enough to worry about with their bodies, and i of course DO
worry about everything.. but this is by far the most embarassing
one..... fucking sucks..... i just wish it was more common.....
Thanks again though .. for your concern.