My first girlfriend was when I was 17 - she had large labia - she had
the type that totally filled the 'gap' between her outer lips from
bove her clit to her anus - and projected quite far. Up until
that age, the only time I had seen labia was as a young bloke when
our grandmother used to put all the cousins (7 or under) in the bath
together. Therefore when I first saw my girlfriends labia, I
just figured that as we go through puberty our bodies change - in the
case of women they grow boobs, become shapely, and their vulva's
change shape, grow hair and their labia minora grow.
My second girlfriend also had large labia - but looked completely
different - she was closed up the top but just had very large labia
around the entrance to her vagina. At the time I remember
thinking OK, large labia are normal (2 out of 2 girls had them in my
experience), but they come in different variations and, why shouldn't
they, in our society we have people with blonde hair, brunettes,
redheads, women have large boobs, small boobs, firmer boobs, soft
boobs, men have big willies, and small willies and even some that
Then much later my third girlfriend (redhead with big
boobs and a very curvy shape) had a pussy that looked just like a
pre-pubescent girl's. At first I though she had somehow failed
to develop downstairs.
I guess the point I would like to ake
is it depends on the young bloke's experiences as to what he expects
to find in your panties. It's probably not helped these days by
all the airbrushed porn, and this wierd notion that somehow large
labia is a result of promiscuity (I can categorically state that my
third girlfriend who was very sexual, 6 years my senior and I knew
had started early and enjoyed many men for at least 15 years had
virtually no inner labia and a very tiny clit).
That's why
boards like these where people can discuss this issue (which
certainly isn't an issue to me) are valuable - the wider population
needs to be aware that pussies come in all sizes sorts and shapes,
but in my personal opinion, are all great!
point - despite the fact that young men will carry on like boys about
'badly packed taco's' or 'mudflaps' or 'beef curtains' trust me when
I say they will be thrilled to get whatever you have (just don't give
it too easily eh?).
Remember, the boys will probably have
their own insecurities - mine was a lack of chest hair, and what I
thought was a lack of length (no complaints though). Remember
also that if the boy (and I use that term deliberately) openly tries
to discredit you after you have been intimate then he's an asshole
and if it wasn't your labia he would have been criticising something
else about you to the world. In other words, you picked the
wrong guy (here's a hint stay away from blokes with ego's the size of
a jumbo jet, and brains the size of a pea)
Final point - I
love large labia and or clits. But I married a woman with a
perfectly average vulva (slight disappointment - now if I could swith
the vulva on my first or second gf...LOL) because you are so much
more than your labia or clit or whatever you think is wrong with you.
I marrried my wife for the combination of her personality,
intelligence and looks. I didn't turn her away because she
didn't have the right genitals - now that would be shallow
superficial and well, wierd.