Hey there,
I only recently became happy and comfortable with my
pussy. It was always really hard for me to let my boyfriends go down
on me, or see me fully naked with a shaved pussy.
funny thing is , is that I had never received any negative feedback
from boyfriends, but I did hear the way other women talked about big
labias and I remember being young and hearing boys talk about them
I'm in my early thirties now and let me tell you.....one
night I just decided, fuck it! I'm just going to enjoy oral sex,
whatever happens, i'll live through it. and the only thing that
happened was a really incredible orgasm.
I've realized that self
hatred is really fed by social conditioning.
Start to love
your body. because then other people will. i find people who are
comfortable in their own skin to be a real turn on. your bf
will just be really happy that he gets to go down on you. and
being happy and comfortable with yourself is really sexy. seriously,
nothing feels better than loving all of yourself! i hope you figure
this out sooner than i did. don't miss out on all of the wonderful
experiences your pussy, mind and heart deserve!
have fun!