Just imagine all the wonderful things that your former b/f missed out on, and you too, while you were with him. Value yourself highly. If someone is too immature or too inhibited to enjoy you, find someone else.
May 1, 2009
Thank God I found your site! No matter where I go I can never find any reasuring images of women with large labia. Of course it didn't help that my first boyfriend would never even touch me down there, even though we were having sex, much less contemplate oral sex. For years I've thought I was some sort of freak or there was just something plain wrong with me. Well there's going to be no more of that! Thank you so much for establishing this site, I feel 100% better about the way I look. I remember recently going to a site called Channel 4 or something like that and when they discussed having a large labia the first thing the doctor recommended was surgery! The comments that followed from young girls were so disheartening, I think I only found one comment that was the least bit positive. Now that I've seen your site my view of myself has completely changed and I'd give you a hug if I could! I especially appreciated reading the mens comments. It's good to know from other women that I'm fine just the way I am, but it's great to know that there are men who consider a large labia sexy!
The Marquis
May 1, 2009
Just imagine all the wonderful things that your former b/f missed out on, and you too, while you were with him. Value yourself highly. If someone is too immature or too inhibited to enjoy you, find someone else.
Mr Salesmanship
May 2, 2009
To the truly enlighten male they are essential, my dear, not mearly
accepted. Be most sure of that !
Mr "S"
May 3, 2009
Yay! :D I'm so happy for you! That's how I felt when I came here too. Always having felt repulsive or something. I always thought I'd have to have surgery before I could be sexually "free". But this site is wonderful and gives me, and I'm sure plenty of other women, hope of finding a "truly enlightened" (to quote Mr "S") man. Viva Labia!
May 5, 2009
Ladies I absolutely love a woman with huge pussy lips they are a big turn on for me. Hit me up on email to chat
May 9, 2009
large labia is the best
May 16, 2009
Large is sexy