I completely agree about the guys who have just had a lack of experience with larger labia... I still get scared about showing them to a new guy and that time is coming round again. Im scared but excited!
Be You
April 28, 2009
I just have to say that I have been keeping up
reading some of the letters posted on this site for a little while
now... And I would just like to add my two cents in again... I
will be honest with all the women who visit this site.. YES there are
some men who genuinly love and prefer a larger labia than a smaller
one.. like myself... however there are also ones who do not... In my
opinion, I feel that the ones who do not have not had the blessing to
be graced with one in their lifetime.. and they are just complete
self-centered assholes, to look down on something they have never
experienced... It does not matter wheather you are tall or short, big
or little... a large labia is an amazing gift given to you by God,
and you should be proud of it. I do know that us men will never
truly know what it is like to be considered "different".. or the
discomfort you may experience.. as a lot of you women have said...
But I do know that being different isnt always a bad thing... Large
Labias feel and tast so much better than smaller ones and in my
opinion the women who have one are ahead of everyone else... I can
honestly say that I have had both in my life... and I have fallen in
love with the larger ones... Keep your head held high ladies... You
all are beautiful... and as we all have heard beauty can sometimes
hurt... :)
April 29, 2009
I completely agree about the guys who have just had a lack of experience with larger labia... I still get scared about showing them to a new guy and that time is coming round again. Im scared but excited!
Be You
April 29, 2009
I understand exactly where you are coming from... But hey if its not for him... He's not the one... And I am SURE you will meet a person who loves large labias... Just remember God works in mysterious ways... :)
April 30, 2009
I think that it depends on how a dude may react to seeing a lucious
pair of lips. If he seems aprehensive but not disgusted then I think
it'd be worth seeing how things go.
However, if the guy
really objects then i guess thats it.
It's interesting
because my preferences/fetishes have changed quite a lot of the past
few years. I think most people can be persuaded to try new things.