Shawna, that's the point. Most men prefer larger, thicker, longer pussy lips. Everyone is an individual, of course, and you may find someone who prefers the "Playboy" image, a false image, I might add. You are perfectly entitled to prefer a cut dick. But far more men prefer pussies with larger, more obvious lips, preferably dripping with juices and excitement. Trust me. There is nothing subtle about the thinking or the interests of an excited man. An excited woman is the best aphrodesiac in existence. I urge you to rethink getting your lovely lips cut. You are obviously able to attract the type of men you prefer. If this one guy you mention isn't available, there are certainly a lot more where he came from. You can find them anyplace. The key is to be excited yourself, to be open about your feelings. After all, you yourself state that you got this guy so excited he blew his load in mere moments. Perfect. The benefit of his being so young is that constant repeat performances are easily accomplished at that age. Have fun. Just keep looking for others who attract you. Don't forget to check out women, if you are at all attracted to them.