This would very much support my sugestions of a badge in my reply to
'this shape means some thing' posted 12 march 2009 (letter
How about
a club badge Labi ?
Mr "S"
March 24, 2009
I can't wait to meet a man that loves labia like the men on this site. I wish there was a way to find out what a guy's preference is before getting serious....
Mr Salesmanship
March 25, 2009
This would very much support my sugestions of a badge in my reply to
'this shape means some thing' posted 12 march 2009 (letter
How about
a club badge Labi ?
Mr "S"
March 25, 2009
Hmmm, a club badge... Could be a fun thing in a way. My only fear is
that it would probably make all of us look a little too weird or freakish to the uninitiated.
March 25, 2009
Look no more I will attend to your needs Mail me PLEEEEEEZZZZZ
The Marquis
March 25, 2009
There are actually very few men who don't like labia, and in particular who don't like larger lips. After all, it is a sign of increased sexuality. Just like women are attracted by a larger penis, despite what they might say on the subject. Don't be bashful. Go for it. Ask the question. If you happen to find one of the few men who don't appreciate your body, get rid of him quickly. All you have to do, when you are getting close to being willing to have sex with a man, is to simply ask him if he likes larger, thicker labia. Good luck to you in your search.
Mr Salesmanship
March 25, 2009
the quality of the badge would nessesary and the quality
base it on the blood doners it is well know and would provok coments
such as why have we included cupids arrows even a cupid laid on the
hearts. it can be tase full and if the wear can explain i care fully
with a script. it is possible, but like every thing else only
possible if
you realy want it
March 26, 2009
I like the idea of a badge or something, but I would never ever dare
wear it if "the others" (the ones that do not like large labia) would
figure out what it meant, and the chances of that are pretty huge.
but I would definitely come over and have a chat if I
saw an interesting boy wearing something like that at a bar.
Mr Salesmanship
March 27, 2009
We Can Label That As Sold As Seen Then.
Don't I
just love satisfied customers they come back for more
Mr "S"
Gerry Gillespie
May 8, 2009
Hello Ontgirl23
Am curious about your pen-name "Ontgirl"
this mean that you are from Ontario, Canada?
Just wondered, as I
myself am from Ontario.