August 13, 2005
My ex always made fun of my "meat curtains", told me I had a "fat
pussy" and was overall a selfish bastard when it came to being
appreciative of my body. I guess that's why he's now my ex. What a
relief it was to find your site! The pictures are beautiful, sexy,
tasteful. Now I know that I'm twice... Actually, thrice blessed with
my luscious and bountiful labia minor, majora and large clitoris.
I'm fairly slender, curvy and delicate looking... I think that it
was quite a surprise to my new man when he saw my endowments. At first
I was shy about it, but after viewing your site I now know that men
LOVE pussies just like mine! The other day, after making love, he just
got down near my pussy, spread my legs apart, and stared at it. I
became flustered by it and tried to close my legs but he stopped me
stating "don't hide, it's the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen".
One question, how common are large majoras? Mine are a bit more
swollen than the ones in the photos featured on your site. Could you
post some pics featuring those too? Thanks for giving all of us
endowed godesses not only something lovely to look at, but also the
confidence to feel normal and beautiful!
Dear Elle,
I'm starting to see an interesting connection here: in general, men who are bastards towards women don't like meaty pussies, and men who just adore women also appreciate a pair of big sizeable labia.
As to how common large labia majora are... I don't have any exact
figures on that but I would say they're as common as large minora.
And I don't think the size of either one is related to the other.
I mean, I've seen all kinds of combinations of sizes. The sexiest
vulva in my opinion is a combination of large minora and majora
plus a big clit. Sort of like your pussy, you lucky thing you!