Phillis Jean
May 1, 2005
i noticed as a young girl that i had some meaty lips and never thought
much of if.
however during my first pregnantcy my labia
hyoertrophyed (grew conciderabally) and this is somthing my husband
seems repulsed by hence the mention of the term "labiaplasty" and
things like "roll up your burrito befor we go to the pool"
you recomend that i have this procedure done just to make him happy?
since someone very special showed me this site im acually quiet
excited about having a buldging bikini and a hefty wad in my jeans.
does anyone know the acuall cause of why this happens during
Dear Phillis Jean,
I'm not sure why some women experience growth of their labia minora during pregnancy. We know that the placenta produces high amounts of estriol, which is an estrogen needed by the fetus as well as the mother. We also know that the inner labia contain estrogen receptors, which make them sensitive to the exposure of increased levels of estrogen. Therefore I would think that being pregnant can affect a woman's labial size if she happens to have a particularly high amount of estrogen receptors in one or both labia. Best thing would be asking your gynecologist though!
As to whether I would recommend labia reduction? If both partners in a stable and loving relationship absolutely believe labiaplasty is the right thing to do, then who am I to say otherwise. But that's not the case here since you like your hypertrophied labia. So, no don't get your lips sliced off, at least not just to make him happy. Labiaplasty is irreversible and you might regret it later. And is your husband aware of the pain after the surgery and of the potential for serious complications?
I'm trying to understand why some men are repulsed by large labia, but I can't. There must be some underlying psychological reason to it. Can your husband explain to you what it is exactly that turns him off about your bulging labia? I don't wish for you to doubt your relationship, but... for a man to tell his wife insensitive comments like that?! You might want to dig a little deeper into his thoughts and attitude towards you.
Like, what's the tone of his voice when he tells you this? Is he joking or does he sound cold and mean-spirited? You say your vaginal lips were already quite meaty before your pregnancy. Did he like them back then? Did he enjoy performing oral? Are there other things he dislikes about you? Is your relationship going well overall? If it is, do you feel there is a chance he might learn to love your labia?
As Dr. Laura Berman says in her interview with Marie Claire: "You've got to be with somebody who honors your genitals as much as you do." You, you're obviously proud of that sexy meaty wad in your panties and you don't seem to really want the surgery. So let's hope that your husband becomes excited about your bulging bikini as well... because other men certainly will be!