i cant get it to work?
Gerry Gillespie
April 5, 2010
Hello brothers and sisters
It is with a sad and heavy heart that
I bring to your attention, this website which features "before" and
"after" pictures of vulva which have been subjected to the cruel
procedure we know as labiaplasty -----
For those of us who
can appreciate the sheer beauty of large labia, it is obvious that
the surgery, rather than enhancing the appearance of the vulva, has
had the opposite effect.
It is said that a picture is worth a
thousand words. For those still contemplating surgery, I urge you to
take a long and hard look at these pics.
If by bringing this site
to your attention, it has helped to instil in you, a new-found pride
in your beautiful large labia, then this post of mine would not have
been in vain.
Your comments would be most welcome.
4oragainst? (leanne)
April 8, 2010
i cant get it to work?
April 8, 2010
I asked my gyno/labia plasty doctor about getting it done cause one
side of my labia is longer than the other and it made me sad when i
looked at it. she said no and that most times after surgery sex can
be painful, scaring may never go away and feeling/sensation isnt the
i was shocked that she didnt just want to make a buck
off me but she was honest.
im now learning to love my labia
lips and just be greatful that i am a healthy 20 year old.
April 11, 2010
Your doctor deserves a medal, ans well as an
endorsement, and a lot of business for her honesty and morality over
the dollar for telling you how it truly is.
And what is
truly upsetting about this website is that it appears to be for a
female doctor.
Gerry Gillespie
April 12, 2010
Hello Angelfire18
I think that you should consider yourself
fortunate that you consulted a surgeon who is honest and obviously
has scruples.
She is quite right with respect to the scarring,
painful sex and loss of sensation. These symptoms don't affect
everyone, but they do exist.
I think what is important is for you
to adopt the right mental attitude---- learn to love your body, try
not to harbour any negative feelings towards yourself. If you tell
yourself you are OK, then you will feel OK.
Eventually you will
meet someone who will care for you and accept you --- just the
way you are.
If you wish to share any thoughts with me, or need
any further encouragement, feel free to e-mail me
April 18, 2010
All the concerns expressed about labial surgery above are quite valid
and should be seriously considered. Labial surgery is not for
everyone and I agree that for most it should not be even considered.
However, there are a myriad of reasons that lead women to my
practice. There is the teenager who keeps falling out of her
swimsuit to the ridicule of others, the horseback rider who chaffs
and bleeds, the underwear model, the recently divorced mom with
traumatic injuries and malformation, and the everyday Jane who has
been teased by her boyfriends and now has such low self esteem.
These can arguably be handled by counseling and self help and
lifestyle changes but it does not help to add on more sense of shame
or guilt if a woman has tried it all and has come to the conclusion
that she wants labial surgery done, for whatever reason. It is
empowering to decide your own fate. I do not feel the labial
surgeries are cruel and they certainly are not mutilating.
These are NOT genital mutilation surgeries and are more akin to
a meticulous facelift that does not damage nerves or cause life
altering scarring. I am the surgeon who does these procedures
and the website above is one I provide for my patients. If the
public knew the reality of just how safe the surgeries are it would
give a balanced view to what are not accurately described on many
websites. For example, labial surgery can be done under local
anesthesia with minimal blood loss. The labial area almost
never scars or forms keloids. The scars that form are thin
lines that remain soft and are not palpable. The clitoral
nerves are not touched and there is no nerve damage in the huge
majority of surgeries. The nerve problems occur when the
clitoral hood is pulled back or retracts back. Pain with
intercourse is infrequent and fleeting and usually only at the very
beginning when the edges are softening up, and once healed, pain with
intercourse is resolved. Again, this is exceptionally rare but
does occur on occasion. On the comments alluding to greed
ttributed to doctors, it does occur and you must do your best to
find the right surgeon that has your best interest at heart. I
hope this gives a balanced view of a very controversial topic.
Red Alinsod, MD
April 22, 2010
Although I admire your courage for showing your "face"
here, I hope you,are not too surprised when your letter is met by
open hostility here.
Most of the reasons you gave above, in
my opinion, are purely for aesthetics and appear to me that the women
in question would be far better served by reassuring them that their
labia ARE NOT deformed, and ARE beautiful and unique. This has been
the case for countless women who have come here trying not to feel
like freaks, and have left here feeling beautiful and sexy.
It is my firm belief that labiaplasty for and reason
other than reconstructive purposes is a real tragedy, doctors who
perform such procedures as anything other than a last resort, or
without at least making a concerted effort to dissuade the lady in
question deserve to be shunned at the very least. Those who advocate
such a thing must have a special place in hell just for them.
I fear for your soul, t_d
April 24, 2010
Dear TD,
Of course I am well aware of the tempest I
have stepped into and feel quite secure for my soul. I am a
lucky person to be judged by a higher power and not by man or my
peers. My purpose to respond is to help show balance and help
encourage an open mind and reduce the knee jerk reaction readers of
this space may have. I used to be completely anti-surgery in
many things but when you are on this side of things, hearing the
concerns women have on a daily basis, your vision broadens and
acceptance becomes a just character trait. I try to neither
sway opinion or cement a view but to give a balanced look at things.
Thank you for the opportunity to give perhaps a minority view.
Red Alinsod, MD
Frank Lyons
April 24, 2010
In response to Reds comments:
Red, I am afraid that your
objectivity in regards to this subject is suspect. I base this
opinion first on what I believe to be your heritage and secondly on
the money factor. In regards to heritage, I am of the opinion
that you are of Filipino decent and have a preference for the
underdeveloped labia normally found on women in that part of the
world (personally I prefer the full lips often found on women of
eastern European decent). In regards to money, I estimate that
you make the kingly sum of $6 million per year (4 per day * 5 days
week * 48 weeks * $6,200) on labiaplasty.
I am of the
opinion that you see yourself as an artist. Red the fact is
that in regards to vulva you are a Philistine. I am sickened by
the photographs of the beautiful flowers you have mutilated by
cutting the petals to stubs (your RIM look) or fully amputated (your
Barbie look).
Of your two disfigurement options, I
find the "Barbie" look the most disturbing. That you would lure
women into voluntary mutilation by capitalizing on their childhood
memories of the doll that they are lead to believe symbolizes the
ultimate in femininity is illegal and unconscionable. Yes Red,
it is illegal to profit off Mattel Corporations trademarked "Barbie"
name without their consent. I request that you cease infringing
on Mattel's trademarked brand and switch to a name that more
appropriately defines what you are doing. I suggest switching
to a name like "Full Disfigurement" or "Maximum Mutilation".
On your argument that what you are doing is NOT genital
mutilation I must say that I beg to differ. I believe you
have been corrupted by the easy money (getting $6,200 for ½ hour of
your time) and your personal vulva preferences to actually
believe/rationalize that you are not mutilating women. If I
were to present the same question to the practitioners of Female
Genital Mutilation (FMG) would they not adamantly deny that they were
performing genital mutilation.
In defense of the
practitioners of FMG, they are ignorant and stupid individuals.
You have no such defense, being that you are an educated and
intelligent doctor who is well aware of the natural variation of the
female form.
I hope my words break you out of your self
delusion on the heinous nature of the mutilations you are performing
and that you return to the honorable side of the medical profession.
April 25, 2010
Dr. Red,
Until your a woman and understand what it's like to
have a long labia or a pussy infact I would keep your doctor talk and
encouragement for labiaplasty to yourself. Us women come to this
website to feel good about ourselves and not think of the reason's
why we need this surgery.
Thank you but us women (and the
wonderful men that enjoy long labia ;) ) dont need your encouragement
for this surgery to cut off what God gave us beautiful women.
God Bless,
April 25, 2010
After your second response I no longer fear for your soul, I
see that it has completely left you. As for you wishing to show
balance to this website. I think the revulsion grew inside me as I
read that that I threw up in my mouth a little. I want you to know
that THIS WEBSITE IS THE BALANCE! We know this to be true due to the
fact that this is one of a few website like this that are pro pussy
in all its shapes sizes and colors. while there are so many of
websites like yours that are, in my opinion, at least partially
responsible for the confusion, hurt and destroyed self-image that
leads ultimately to women seeking out "doctors" like yourself in the
hopes of giving you thousands of dollars to mutilate their vaginas. I
think that somewhere along the way you either forgot what the
Hypocratic Oath said, or you became confused about its meaning.
Thanks but no thanks. I don't think we need your kind of
"balance" here. We've had about as much as we can handle.
Don't go away mad....no...on second thought, go away mad.
April 26, 2010
"Dr." (butcher) Red,
I want to have a professional conversation
with you and I'm trying hard to keep my cool but I'm afraid you
irritate me so much that I just want to punch you in the face! Ok
I'll try to stay polite...oh wait...did you say "barbie
look"?...forget it, you have left no room for respect! Barbie dolls
don't even have genitals! If I see you, I'll personally give you a
"Ken look"!
Thanks a lot that you want to "help" me get rid
of my "Ridiculous" bulge (as you suggested), I'll do it after you cut
your balls (if you have any) because u know...bulges are just so
4 years ago I came across a selfish labiaplasty site
like yours. Not haven't seen anyone else's vulva I believed the crap
u advertised and I became so distressed until I found this
life-saving website which made me realize the nasty lies of you
greedy predators. Do you give a shit about what you're doing to
I have larger labia than most of the women in those
pictures and I experience zero discomfort during sex and activities
(including riding bikes and horses) so I'm having a hard time buying
the discomfort claims. But I do know that you can become paranoid by
reading the misleading info conscienceless people like yourself feed
the public. You can become so self-consciounce that you mix up the
feeling of sensation with pain. I do remember feeling uncomfortable
sitting on my labia while staring at a labiaplasty website with
disbelief for the first time. "chaffs and bleeds"?...oh please...how
many horseback riding champions do you operate on?
Even if
some exceptional women, for reasons mysterious to me, might sometimes
feel minor discomfort, is it worth losing those fun sensitive parts
and feeling regret that you disfigured your intact flower?
I know it is worth a lot of money for you...
Please let the women "decide their own fate" and don't shove down
their throats what "you" want them to think looks good.
May 2, 2010
Thank you for the opportunity to present one side of a controversial
topic. I appreciate the passion, anger, and deep feelings of
resentment expressed and I am happy there are websites like this that
can be a forum of discussion. My goal is not to offend,
irritate, or make personal attacks towards anyone and I am here
simply to ask for understanding for those who do not agree with the
majority on this website. Yes, I am Filipino but I grew up in
Los Angeles. No, I have never judged anyone by the size of
their labia. No, I do not make anywhere close to the $6M a year
Frank has suggested. I do only two cases a day on average and
operate on average two days a week, and many of the days are purely
for reconstructive purposes without aesthetics. Each case is
3-4 hours and not 30 minutes. It is always good to hear both
sides of an issue. Even for a "Philistine." I have
learned a great deal in my interactions with the guests of this
website. Thank you for the opportunity.
Red Alinsod, MD
May 4, 2010
Dr. Red,
I pride myself on being able to take a fair and
balanced approach on most subjects, and towards that end I have taken
the time to visit your website.
While there I was
witness to what I consider to be unspeakable horrors in the form of,
I'll just call them "mishaps" for simple lack of being able even
think of a better term, of the female anatomy. It is in these areas
that I think that you do truly good and remarkable work. And it is in
these areas that I hope, and will try to convince myself, that you
spend the majority of your time.
I am not even totally
against labiaplasty. As I have stated in the past, I can see the need
for labiaplasty for re constructive purposes. And I can even sort of
probably doing it for aesthetics after trying to convince a woman of
the hazards and there not really being any good reason for it just to
keep a woman from going to a real butcher who will really fuck her
pussy up.
What got you in trouble here was you trying
to justify the procedure for women who wanted it for not better
reason to us than the fact that her labia were in the way, or that
they didn't fall into the "normal" ideation of what is pretty.And
then you further insulted, I think women in general by having what
appears to be, a few models to choose from so that a woman can get a
customized pussy as if she were picking out the interior of a new
We here love the woman's anatomy, in all of its shapes,
sizes, colors and imperfections.In fact, it's those little
imperfections that makes each woman unique and special and why I love
all of them.
And I wish you could have seen and
respected that...doctor.
Regards t_d
Frank Lyons
May 5, 2010
Mr. Red, since your website is still advertising the horrific and
unconscionable "Barbie" (Barbie is a registered trademark
of Mattel corporation) labia mutilation, I have to conclude that your
last statement of "I have learned a great deal in my
interactions with the guests of this website" is simply empty
When I mentioned 30 minutes, I was referring to
your surgical time (as listed on your website for the time it takes
to amputate a vulva) and not the full time it takes to process a
victim through your abattoir. I apologize for not factoring in
the additional 15 - 30 minutes of your time luring the victim or
the 2 - 3 hours of your accomplices. Of course you have a
trained staff who skillfully manipulate women who fall for the
initial bait (posted in various ad mediums) to part with their vulva
and dollars. Do you pay them salary plus bonus based upon the
number of victims or is it straight commission?
I read
your bio and have nothing but respect for your 12 years when as Dr.
Alinsod you worked as a U.S. Air Force gynecologist. But I fear
that Dr. Alinsod drank a potion called greed and became the mutilator
of women referred to as Mr. Red.
In your bio you also
mention that you earned your medical degree from the School of
Medicine at Loma Linda University. I went to Loma Linda
University's website and found the following in the about the school
Since opening in 1909, Loma Linda University's
School of Medicine has been training skilled medical professionals
with a commitment to Christian service. The school has always
endeavored to combine the best medical science with caring, Christian
compassion. Loma Linda students are trained in a context emphasizing
the patient's needs and preventive care to offset future disease.
Medical students spend the first two years studying a heavy
science curriculum balanced by class work in human behavior,
religion, and ethics. As juniors, students spend time in clinical
rotations and instruction in family medicine, gynecology and
obstetrics, medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, radiology, and surgery.
Seniors rotate through advanced training in medicine and surgery and
finish their degree with four months of electives.
Linda medical students have the unique opportunity to utilize their
skills in human betterment. Most medical students participate in two
very popular University programs: Social Action Community Health
System and Students for International Mission Service. In each they
help deliver medical care to lower-income people and others who have
no access to basic medical care.
Mr. Red, what you are doing
in regards to labia amputation is about as far as you can go in the
medical profession from utilizing your skills in human
betterment .
Mr. Red, any chance you could free Dr.
Alinsod from your greedy grasp?
May 7, 2010
I would just like to point out that I am a young girl who enjoys horseback riding, I am a swimmer and I am a model and I have never had any chaffing or bleeding, I have never "fallen out" of my bathing suit and the only person who has ever mocked my lips was my ex who only did it because he knew it hurt me. I have bigger and plumper lips than those in the pictures and I believe that what you are doing is wrong. Any of those problems could be fixed by perhaps wearing panties?! Or wearing a bathing suit that fits (thong bikinis are most likely not a way to go) and in modeling I have never had to take off my panties so I can not see it being a problem. In panties my vag looks like what you call the "barbie look". And for the record, barbie is over rated. If barbie was a real person, her feet alone would be too small to withstand the rest of her body and she would be in a wheel chair (thank high school movies about the human body and what's natural that taught me that) and beside the point who wants to be made out of plastic other than that camera whore Heidi (or whatever her name is). I am twenty years old, and for me it was genetic. My mother and my older sister both share the gift of lips. My sister was going to get the surgery when she was getting her tubes tied but chickened out. It was only a few months later that we talked about it and I learned we had more in common than we thought. I talked her out of rescheduling the appointment (thank god!) by teaching her the cons of the procedure. I am a HUGE labia activist. I am proud of what I have and have no problem talking to other about it now. This site helped me with that. So for you to come here and tell us that we are wrong about our views (which is bullshit because I know several women who have gone through the surgery and no longer enjoy sex (apparently not as rare as you say)) I suggest you venture somewhere else because it is surgeons like you that make it harder for women like me to open the eyes to men about what is natural on the woman body. It is surgeons like you who made me feel abnormal my entire life and made it a terrifying experience to get close to someone. So all I have to say to you, Dr. Red, is fuck off. You are not welcome here.
May 8, 2010
When I initially made my predictions on how Red would
be received here I had no idea how right I would be, although I
really believe he went out of his way to add fuel to this particular
May 11, 2010
I love to read posts of proud outspoken women like you.
I bet your confidence is very sexy to men ;)
I myself love my
labia so much that I wish I could go on dates in nude to show them
May 14, 2010
Thank you Jessica, I love to talk about my pretty pussy. It's funny though because I am pretty sure when I talk about it my guy friends think I am joking around with them... It is quite humorous at times because I am always completely serious about it. It keeps them guessing ;) I used to be so self conscious about it but now I couldn't care less. At least if I talk about it openly in front of men I can get their reaction right then and there. Never fails :) At least I know who not to waste my time with. Nothing better than bragging about how soft my lips are :D lol
May 16, 2010
Wow. . .
I apologize for not being more active on the site
during this time-frame. . .
First let me just tell the great
"doctor". . .that the human body exists in perfect form, and there is
never a need to change it.
Now on the other hand, if you're
born with tumors all over your face, and the condition is
life-threatening then surgery is most likely a viable option, but
when we're talking about a woman's pussy or any other part of her
body (I'm not really for breast enlargement either -- I like 'em
natural), surgery is ever hardly a viable option, especially since
most women who walk into to a doctor's office like yours are probably
just feeling insecure about what they have, and then the few who
actually experience pain or discomfort based on their lifestyles can
find remedies like Shawn suggested to fix the problem in thought and
in deed.
Surgery is hardly ever the option for these women.
Sorry doc, but it's a good thing you weren't at a
SexyLabia.com get-together -- you might not have made it out alive.
I'm supposed to be the level-headed one among us, and I fear
I would've joined in the stomping and kicking that would've ensued on
your poor, helpless body as the women kicked you while you were down,
and perhaps "emasculated" you in the most basic manner (hint,hint)
and the men spit on you and tormented you further for the lack of
balls you have to stand up for women on an issue that is highly
controversial, but still quite obvious in the opinion all should have
on this topic.
But still, this controversy is a bit like the
one that surrounds abortion -- another issue I won't get into.
Either way Doc, I'm sure you could've easily chosen a more sound
means of being "doctor" -- perhaps as a psychologist or psychiatrist
to try and understand why the women who make the decision to get a
labia-plasty do so in the first place, and help them to understand
why they are already beautiful the way they are, and that there are
other remedies to solving their labia issues if they are experiencing
pain or discomfort (I suspect the majority who go through with the
surgery do so purely for aesthetic reasons).
But then
suggesting that would mean you would have had to acquire your Ph.D in
something constructive, rather than destructive, and then I remember
to myself, you're still a man.
Men find it much easier to
destroy rather than create, which is why as a population, we've
discovered millions of ways to kill each other, yet not one of us has
ever lived past the ripe old age of 200 years old. So many ways
to destroy, not one developed yet to create and/or preserve that
which we value most in the first place.
Take care Doc. . .
- Eric
December 12, 2010
Wow. I am just horrified to read this doctor's self-promotional
drivel. I, too, have labia at least as long as these models', and
while I can feel them when I'm sitting on a bike or horse, I have
never once experienced pain. As for difficulties having sex, I'm
completely puzzled. While I suppose it could happen in a small
minority of women, I strongly suspect that the majority who report
pain from having long labia do so because they want the surgery. They
feel unsexy and it's part of the case they've built up in their minds
in order to get this done.
Labi, would you consider removing
Red's website address from his posts? Why provide a forum for him to
promote his practice here?
So many of your reader
letters are from women who hated their labia when they first stumbled
upon this site. This guy is smart enough to know that posting his
full name and website here is a great advertising opportunity.
Personally, I am so grateful to you for creating this site -- a
place where women can learn to love their extra-sexy pussies. Don't
let this guy use you for advertising space!
PS Check out this British study on labiaplasty.
The researchers (gotta love that British humor) make the
tongue-in-cheek comment that male genitalia stick out somewhat
further than women's, with no noticeable complaints about
pants-wearing or horseback riding.
April 28, 2013
I am 21 years old and I love my labia. I noticed they were larger than average when I was about 13. I was embarrassed to change in front of my friends, which was difficult seeing that I am a dancer and often have to change around other women. I started dating someone when I was 15, and wouldn't allow him to touch my pussy for a long time. I remember I was so nervous when I finally let him see...but he loved them and went on to perform oral sex on me frequently for the rest of our relationship. My next boyfriend also loved them...maybe even more. He just loved looking at my long pink inner labia and plump juicy outer labia. My boyfriend now also loves them...so there you have it. Every guy I have been with loves them. The only time I ever faced criticism was this year in the locker room of my dance studio. I was bent over in a thong and a woman I dance with giggled and said i should fix myself, and that I had big lips for being such a thin person. I told her that she should grow up...and keep her eyes off me. I am confident about my long labia and I would never let a stupid comment like that ruin my self-esteem. Girls, if you are considering labiaplasty please reconsider, even if you have been teased like I have. You must invest in your own self confidence, not in a cosmetic surgery. I will admit I have experienced mild discomfort.....usually because I am wearing underwear that is just too small! and sometimes during sex my boyfriend has to pull my lips open but he thinks its sexy and I think its a huge turn on. Anyway the point is...Love your Labia. They are SO SEXY.