Hello Jessica
I have the exact same thing. I think Labi is right
about the menstruation cycle all though I haven't paid attention to
when they become bigger and when they become smaller
April 2, 2010
Sorry for this silly post. I just felt like sharing this with you.
I was just doing my favorite activity which is playing with
my luscious pussylips in front of a mirror and I noticed that during
some days my lovely labia look bigger and some days retracted and
lighter. Anyone else has noticed that?
Dear Jessica,
Not a silly post at all!
I remember reading—can't recall where though—that labia size can change depending on the menstruation cycle. Around the time of ovulation they would become larger and deeper in color. To me that makes sense because that's when a woman is fertile; bigger and darker lips help to attract the male.
Does this correspond with the times you notice these changes in your labia's appearance?
April 3, 2010
Hello Jessica
I have the exact same thing. I think Labi is right
about the menstruation cycle all though I haven't paid attention to
when they become bigger and when they become smaller
April 4, 2010
Interesting point Labi. I haven't paid attention which days they are bigger and darker.
April 11, 2010
Yet another reason for NOT turning down your lady's affections for something as ridiculous as her being on her period.
April 18, 2010
During my gf's ovulation time, I also have noticed that her inner labial lips do tend to look much bigger and fuller, and they also are a much richer darker red color than they typically do look. She is 28 years old, and her inner lips normally protrude and hang outside of her vulva about an inch (actually, I should measure her sometime...lol). Before she met me she had always thought that she looked ugly down there, and was even possibly considering something as terrible as plastic surgery to change her lovely appearance. She had told me that a former bf of her's had even suggested this to her, cause he preferred small lips on women. What a jerk he must have been, and I'm just grateful that me and her met in time before she did anything to her lovely and beautiful womanhood. I've always been quite fond of full lipped ladies, and my gf is simply gorgeous looking down there. Well, truth be told, she's gorgeous everywhere. She is a very stunningly attractive woman. I'm a very lucky fellow indeed.