Hello ,
i am sure you have a beautiful pussy. I am happy to
provide you with a full review if you send me a pic
smiling and stay sexy
Small labia
February 10, 2010
I'm a straight female. I came across your website yesterday
when I was searching for images of models wearing clit clips.
The photos on your site are all very lovely. I have very
small, practically nonexistent labia minora; and I have felt a little
depressed and inadequate after seeing the beautifully endowed women
here. I wish so much that I was as gifted as they are. My
labia majora are plump enough, but having very unsubstantial labia
minora makes it nearly impossible for a clit clip to stay put and not
slip off. And I don't feel comfortable enough to have my hood
pierced; so as much as I would like to wear some non-piercing jewelry
around my pussy, I haven't seen anything made for lips like mine.
Can I send a photo so that you can see what I mean?
I'm trying not to feel discouraged by the beautiful labia
displayed on your site, which I think you have done a great and
classy job with; but it's difficult for me.
Thank you
Dear Small labia,
How tragic that there are women out there so confused they get their large, beautiful, absolutely perfect labia minora sliced off while others like you would easily trade places with them. Check out that horrible video of the labia butcher. My heart still weeps after watching such senseless mutilation.
I looked at the photo you've sent me and must admit that your labia minora are indeed very small. Like you said yourself they are almost nonexistent, too small even to consider enlargement with labia pumping or labia weights.
Now, I could be insincere and tell you it doesn't matter, but you wouldn't believe me anyway, not after having browsed this site. What I will tell you though is that most likely you have something else about you that plays in your favor. We're speaking physically for now. You already mentioned your plump labia majora (and they are deliciously plump) but surely you have a few other body parts you're proud of. There are so many places on a woman's body that can blossom into shapes so beautiful they are worthy of anyone's adoration. In the end though very few people have it all, and if they do they may be far from perfect in other ways, perhaps mentally or emotionally. The one in a million who does have the whole package is just one lucky bastardette.
The luckiest people—because they are the happiest—are those who can accept themselves just the way they are, blemishes and all. I think they are often the same people who also have the ability to be truly glad for those who have features they wish they had themselves, without feeling any spiteful envy.
What I sense from you is just that; an honest appreciation for the beauty of larger labia and the women who have them. You may be a little discouraged you don't possess such endowment
yourself, but your positive and friendly attitude towards the matter tells me you can overcome this. Best would be not to focus on your labia minora and also forget about decorating them
with jewelry since these will slip off as you've noticed. You could instead honor your outer labia by wearing sexy panties that accentuate their plumpness. I'm thinking Wicked Weasel's
cameltoe panties or stuff by The-Bikini.com. One of their teardrop
thongs would do your pussy justice!
February 12, 2010
Hello ,
i am sure you have a beautiful pussy. I am happy to
provide you with a full review if you send me a pic
smiling and stay sexy
The Marquis
February 12, 2010
Dear Small Labia,
I agree completely with what Labi
recommends to you. The key is to make good use of what nature
has given you, to come to love it yourself, and in your case, that is
apparently your labia majora, which I understand to be thick and
puffy, which is really beautiful. From what you say, you are
not up for getting your clit hood pierced, which would be wonderful,
but there are other options. Along with what Labi suggests
regarding clothing, you might consider getting your labia majora
pierced with a couple of lovely rings. Those can be used in
many ways, among which is tying your pussy open for use, or
padlocking it closed for chastity. You could hang weights from
the rings, or attach strings of jewels to them to hang down between
your thighs, just like the clit clips you mention. Should you
choose to follow Labi's advice, and get the kinds of clothing he
recommends, those beautiful rings would be visible beneath the
clothing, which is a very, very sexy look, along with the camel toe
created by your beautiful labia. As he says, you can use
pumping and attaching weights, but in your case, it would be done to
the larger, outer labia, rather than your basically non existant
inner labia. In other words, all the same possibilities exist,
just not for the inner labia. Consider the other possibilities.
There are many of them. Feel free to write or to send
photos if you wish. I wish you well in coming to terms with
your body, and learning how to appreciate it, learning to love it,
and how best to make use of it. Best wishes.
slave to my mistress
February 12, 2010
Perhaps a pair of screw-type earings can be used to grip on your labia. I have a picture of a pair of earrings specifically made for this purpose. Email me and I will send the pic out to you.
February 12, 2010
Hey Small Labia,
As a guy who loves pussy in general, I can
tell you beyond a reasonable doubt that your pussy is perfectly fine.
While this site does make a grandiose purpose in describing
how sexy large labia are, ultimately most of the men on this site
will tell you that all pussy is beautiful as Labi just explained to
Don't regret what you have, or envy someone with large
labia -- instead be happy with what you have, and find ways to
accentuate as Labi mentioned, because it'll make you feel better
about you, and once you feel better about you, suddenly you'll find
that everyone finds your pussy downright sexy, including yourself.
I didn't see the picture Labi mentions in his post, but
I'm sure it's pretty awesome, and you can e-mail it to me if you'd
like and I'll give you my honest opinion, just like I've done for
countless other women on this site.
Anyway, take care be
safe, and celebrate your sexuality.
- Eric
Small labia
February 14, 2010
Thank you, Labi, for the very thoughtful response. I know you
receive a lot of letters, so I was honored that you took the time to
reply so thoroughly. The panties that you recommended do look
fun to wear.
I did some more Internet searching
yesterday and found three sites, in addition to Arabesque Body
Creations and Design that you mention on your site, with jewelry that
looks like it may fit my anatomy. If you are interested in
listing any of them, they are:
There are a few that hug
just the clit only, toward the bottom of the page. And since I
have a plump clit, I may be able to wear one of those.
2. www.nipplebling.com/Genital_Jewelry.htm
are a few non-piercing rings on pages1 and 2 that I would hope I
could clip to either/or my labia majora or clit, itself.
This eBay store has a lot of different styles, all
with the same type of ring clip.
Thank you again, and take
February 15, 2010
Small Labia,
Although it is true that this site is
primarily dedicated to the beauty of larger labia, you should not
discount the beauty of your own pussy, and I'd love top have the
honor of being allowed to view it as you have offered.
must admit that I'm as excited about the idea of viewing your
treasures as I get about seeing the labia of a woman who's are very
XOXO t_d
Gerry Gillespie
February 15, 2010
Hello Small Labia
Greetings. First I commend you for having the
courage to reach out to us with respect to your situation.
has come forward with such a classic and well thought-out response,
that I can do no better than endorse his sentiments in its entirety.
As he has so correctly pointed out --- the luckiest and the
happiest people are those who can accept themselves just the way they
are. This acceptance does not always come automatically, but over
time, as one adopts the right mental attitude and comes to terms with
one's body.
As despondent as you may feel, and in spite of the
small size of your labia, in the wider context, consider how
tremendously fortunate you otherwise are.
What if you were deaf,
and could not hear the beautiful sounds of music?
What if you
were blind and could not see to write to this site?
So my
dear, be thankful for, and celebrate, the positive things in your
life -- remember there are always those who are less fortunate
than you are.
Eventually you will meet someone who will love you
for who and what you are -- your morals, your principles, the
joy you bring to him and to others, your kindness, your
thoughtfulness etc.
In the final analysis, these are the
qualities which resonate in a positive way and make all the
difference in one's life.
I would be grateful if you would share
your pic with me.
February 16, 2010
She sent it to me, and OH a nice pussy it was! =0)
Once again, another woman who has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to be
worried about, and should be out celebrating her sexuality with
whoever she wants to celebrate it with.
- Eric
February 24, 2010
Damn, now I really want a peek.
February 28, 2010
Can I be included as a C.C. for responses and ideas with Small Labia please. The topic is very interesting
Gerry Gillespie
March 13, 2010
Hello Small Labia
Greetings. Hope all is well with you. Hope you
had a chance to read my response to your post. I did request you to
send me a pic of your beautiful pussy. Perhaps it may have been an
oversight, but I really would be honoured to receive your pic.