Something else I'm noticing is that the
most self-consciousness is among the younger women. It appears to me
the older women are less inhibited about their large (superior) labia
because after a few experiences they've learned most men are
immensely turned on with it.
My wife did not apologize
for her superior labia the first time she spread her pussy over my
face that night on the living room floor of her apartment. This new
girlfriend later to become my wife already had it well figured out
that she had a "weapon" that could probably get her any man she
wanted, and when I came into her life she decided she wanted a
different fiance than the one she already had. The trouble she was
having with me was that I didn't have a lot of interest in her at
first (just because she was attractive & smart didn't mean a lot to
me, all the gals I went out with were), but she had it all figured
out how to change that. We were both the same age in our
mid-twenties, and I wasn't showing as much of an interest in her as
she wanted which she attributed to the fact I told her I knew she was
engaged to somebodyelse (she didn't know I found that out from
somebody else within a few days aftyer we first met). I no sooner
told her what I knew about her engagement as she sugeested that we go
to a movie together the following weekend, not exactly an approach
one might expect from an engaged woman of her professional status. So
we went to the movie that weekend, after the movie I walked her up
the stairs to her apartment door and said good-night without even
attempting to kiss her, I left. A couple of days later she
surreptitiously got hold of my phone number from a member of my
softball team & phoned me, wanted to know what I was doing the
following weekend, so we went to a drama presentation at a local
college, went back to her apartment & I attempted a good-night peck
on her cheek at the inside door to her apartment & she seemed to get
really annoyed that it wasn't a mad passionate seductive type
of kiss, so she insisted I come inside for a drink. I accepted her
invitation and after a couple of drinks she wanted to know why
I was acting like a "goody 2-shoes", so I told her I didn't feel good
dating an engaged woman, within seconds of telling her that, she
turned on the TV & led me over to her couch
& laid the kissing on
me pretty hard, I guess that was her way of telling me her engagement
could be called off, well I didn't succumb entirely until she had me
on the living room floor and flashed that ample labia pussy in my
face, I knew right then she wanted a different bridegroom & she had
it pretty well figured out how to make me to want her, it worked. I
never knew there was pussy like that, except for one time when I was
about 11 years old I saw a 30 something neighbor woman through an
open bathroom door while I was in her house helping her with
something and she suddenly had to go to the bathroom & I saw her
pussy as she got off the toilet seat to raise her drawers,& she
stooped right there for as long as I stood there looking at her,
yeah, almost kind of spooky to an 11 year old that she seemed to want
me to see what she had, and let me tell you she had it, that was the
first time I ever saw pussy and only time with ample labia until I
met my wife.