Hi Dear Shawna,
I am 28, I am not so active on this site,
but, you can find a few post of mine, some month ago.
I checked your pervious posts, and to be honest your comment on
uncut boys was a bit hurtful. But you were right, if there are
dislikes behind our preferences, and not more like
then all our judgments project back on us.
course me and my friends we all have our different preferences too.
Some of my friends preferred peach-pussies in their teenage years.
And they were talking about large labia in a funny but not
rude way, because we didn't know what to do with our new
discoveries. But till nowadays they all learnt to love the advantages
of big pussy-lips, and they can tall about it in an intimate way to.
1. So that is all about you previous post and I am
glad that you feel better now, I mean if are ready for waxing, and
you don't want to hide anymore. I am sure that the waxer assistant
won't say any negative comment, they can see as many types as only
the gyno can. And even more, they can notice if there is a
"camel-toe" styl or a bigger bulge if you have your panties on, cause
waxing or legs, or so. If I could realize, they can for sure. But
anyway this is their job, to do it right, and not hurting the
But if you are still curios about he whole
issue check out: Perfect vagina channel4 that is a
British documentary, and it starts with a waxing scene, (you can
download it via torrents).
2. So back to you question, I am
closing to 30 but believe me, my large-labia- adornment dates back to
my ages of 17 and It is a bit related to porn, when I bought
the first print-magazines, (in fine and quality edition). As soon as
I was faced with the variety of pussy-shapes, I felt in love with
large labia for ever !
Best wishes: