Would a photograph of the 'star' of the proceedure be possible for
your deadicated readership, my dear ?
Mr "S"
December 29, 2009
I had the most sensual shaving experience ever. I sat on the edge of the sink with my legs spread with full veiw of my pussy in the mirror. I first trimmed my pubic hairs with trimmimg scissors and them ran the HOT water and wet a washcloth and let it drip down my pussy. I then continued to wet the washcloth with hot water and pressed it against my pussy until my lips and clitoris were swollen and easy to see to shave. I dripped baby oil down over my entire pussy and anal area. I rubbed it in everywhere including my anal opening, labias, clit and even my nipples. I then lathered up with shaving cream and proceeded to shave every inch of my swollen ripe dripping pussy. I would rinse it off and on with the HOT scalding wet washcloth almost to orgasmic spasms. I opened my pretty pink lips to find a pretty pink hole waiting to be filled. I inserted one finger then two three four! I rubbed my clit and squeezed my lips tightly around my fingers. I inserted a finger into my hot lubricated anus and had the most sensational orgasm ever!!!! I squeezed more scalding HOT water over my all ready swollen labia lips, dripped oil, peed and then lathered again to shave my pussy to pure soft perfection. I admired my beautiful pussy in the mirror examing every inch of it as I rubbed more oil and then cupped it in my hand feeling the softness! What a pleasurable time I had shaving my pussy and I'm so glad you have to do it often. I can't wait until tomorrow!!!!!
Mr Salesmanship
December 30, 2009
Would a photograph of the 'star' of the proceedure be possible for
your deadicated readership, my dear ?
Mr "S"
The Marquis
December 30, 2009
Lucy, You are doing exactly the right thing. Most women do not seem to understand the need to love themselves, and their own bodies. It is precisely the kind of thing you talk about doing here which enables you to love yourself, and to develop the kind of confidence in your body that men and other women will find so deeply sexual. Keep it up. Keep us informed. Try fisting yourself, since you have already managed four fingers. See how many fingers you can get into your ass. Play with your holes endlessly. I also suggest that next time you shave, you put a mirror on the counter, so that you have a clearer view of the underside of your cunt and your ass. Of course, that mirror will also collect all the juices which your cunt produces when it is excited. Lovely. Feel free to share any photos which you might take of the process.
December 30, 2009
Hey Lucy,
You wouldn't happen to have an extra napkin would
Both me and my cock are drooling... =0)
- Eric
January 1, 2010
I would love a peek as well
XOXO t_d
January 2, 2010
I love your sexy dirty talk hehe. Lucy, I would like to lick and suck your baby-oiled labia until you reach orgasm exhaustion. After I satisfy you repeatedly, I would love to press my hard penis into your pretty pink hole. Then I'd let you feel the throbbing, gooey warmth as I ejaculate inside you and give you a big oozing creampie!
January 4, 2010
You naughty boy! Ejaculate inside which one?
January 6, 2010
I don't know about jake, but I'd eagerly invade any
opening you leave unguarded.
Damn, you're a dirty girl!
I love it!! t_d
January 6, 2010
wow lucy,
you sound so juicy
have mercy
lets have a look
blissings, -b
January 6, 2010
The hole waiting to be filled when you spread your pretty pink lips! Lucy, I'd like to slide my penis into your sweet pussy and pump my gooey semen inside you. :) Of course, I'd be happy to give you some seconds wherever you like, even while my cum drips from between your labia and onto your sheets. ;)