It does not sound like you had a 'great' loss !
Mr "S"
Dick Dangler
December 26, 2009
I had sex last night with a lady with a giant pussy. She sucked me in
like a vacuume cleaner. It was great! But when I woke up this
morning, my three inch penis was gone. Where could it be? Could it
still be in the giant pussy.
Ladies, search your pussies and if
you find a penis up there. Please wrap it in a pair of panties and
send it to me. I am at my wits end without my little Rodger.
Yours Sincerely
Dick Dangler. (Pastor)
Mr Salesmanship
December 27, 2009
It does not sound like you had a 'great' loss !
Mr "S"
Dick Dangler
January 21, 2010
Dear Mr S, How dare you talk about my little penis like that. I loved
Rodger. Oh by the way, I saw you bending over last night to take off
your smelly brown panties. What an ugly vagina you have. Please put
it away. No one want's to look at THAT!
Pastor Dick Dnagler (Mr)