Simply get him to look at this site.
Plus he owes you
an apology. You're perfect just the way you are. He's bloody lucky to
be allowed to put his hands down your pants and not the other way
December 20, 2009
I am only sixteen years old and i have extremely big inner labia. They are very uncomfortable, embarrassing, and not to mention unattractive. They are to the point of when I walk I can feel them rubbing together, and they are uncomfortable to deal with. I have been insecure about them since the age of twelve, and I just want to be like everyone else and have normal looking labia. I have not been sexually active until lately, only about two months to be exact, and still refuse to let my boyfriend see my vagina. It took me a LONG time before i would even let him feel me down there, and his reaction was worse then i expected. I knew he might have a question or two about it, but didn't expect him to accuse me of being promiscuous, and whoreish because i have large inner labia. When we have sex it has to be dark outside and if not... a blanket over the top of us. I just want to be secure with my body and not feel so disgusting and unattractive to look at. I feel like when he sees the REAL me he is going to think I'm horrible and disgusting to look at. I constantly reassure him that I'm not the only girl like this, but considering he is not too experienced himself I feel like he is still convinced otherwise. He tells me that its not going to affect his opinion of me, and that my biggest fear of him not being sexually attractive to me anymore is not going to happen, but I'm terrified he will be just as grossed out as me. I need serious HELP........... I feel like I'm alone with this issue and feel so ugly. I sometimes think about cutting them off because i get so depressed about them, and just want to feel normal and not so "taboo"!!! Can somebody please help me....... thank you......
December 21, 2009
Simply get him to look at this site.
Plus he owes you
an apology. You're perfect just the way you are. He's bloody lucky to
be allowed to put his hands down your pants and not the other way
The Marquis
December 21, 2009
Kayla, If you will only take the time to read the letters and comments on this site, you will learn that your attitude toward your body is really quite unfounded. You worry about your labia since they are now different than they were when you were a little girl. That's all quite normal. You are, after all, growing up and maturing. Obviously, the size of your labia has absolutely nothing to do with you being promiscuous or being a whore. I have to say that your boyfriend is acting extremely immature and like a little boy who understands nothing about you and your body. Hopefully, as he grows up, he will take a more mature, and more knowledgeable view of such things. As you can tell from all of the letters on this site, and the comments made in response to them, most men love large labias. They are a sign of great sexual attraction. The key here, is for you to come to understand yourself, to understand and appreciate your body. Love yourself, and it will make you far more attractive to others. There is nothing wrong with you. As far as the discomfort goes, you will learn how to deal with it so that you no longer experience it. Eventually, you will love your body, you will want to play with it regularly, and you will find that men are chasing you. Note that I said men, not boys. Please keep us informed of your progress as you mature into the beautiful woman that I'm sure you are destined to become.
December 21, 2009
You do not really expect us to keep on listening to the same story
and giving back the same answer. You can do that yourself by reading
as many messages as you can on this website. You can even do so
randomly and I am sure you will be adequately answered.
December 22, 2009
Hi Kayla! I am having the same problem and I am thinking of getting
surgery when I have enoguh money. I do also feel gross about myself
and sad about the way I look.
Can I add you on msn?
Maybe we can talk, I do also feel very lonely with this and have
nobody to talk to. It would be nice if we can talk about it and make
us feel a little bit better.
What do you say?
Take care!
December 22, 2009
Dont be an ass.. if she wants a personal response
then she deserves one.. Thats part of what this website is for...
December 22, 2009
I want to repeat what has already been said, you
don't even have to search back very far in the letters to find posts
nearly identical to your with answers that would be nearly identical
to ours.
I suggest that you not be so quick to be sexually
active. It seems obvious to me that you're not quite comfortable
enough with your body to really enjoy it yet anyway. And with a "boy"
who doesn't like what you have? Are you crazy? I've said it before
and I know I'll say it again. It's your body and you should show it
to and share it with Whomever you wish. But that someone should be
someone Who is so into you that it makes you completely comfortable
to be with him.
Don't make it so easy for him, make him work
for it, and only give it to men who deserve it.
XOXO t_d
December 22, 2009
Hey Kayla,
Sounds like you need a new boyfriend, but that's
a wholeother conversation topic.
For now, you need to become
comfortable with yourself, and if you can do that, then you can show
him your pussy -- and if he freaks out, or says something stupid, or
condescending, you can just kick his ass to the curb, and get a new
It really is that simple. . .
- Eric
December 24, 2009
To "K"
Whats your problem. You seem to think this site
belongs to you and your ideas only
January 1, 2010
Yea yea yea.. Ive had this conversation before.. get over it..
January 1, 2010
K and I have had our differences concerning her and
her opinions in the past, but in this case I happen to agree with
her. you're acting like an ass. Kayla came here to confide in us
about her self doubts, she doesn't need you acting all cranky to be
having to be bothered with reading her post. It it true that we have
seen letters like hers several times, but each of these ladies feels
alone in the world and should be treated as special as they are.
Now go think about what you've done, or you're likely
to bring the wrath of most of the site upon yourself.
January 4, 2010
Kayla and Girl91,
If you're really considering having
labiaplasty, I implore you to read Ashlee's post from next month
I've said it before and I guarantee you I'll say it
again, I've heard from several women who've Had labiaplasty and
regretted it, I have yet to hear from a single woman who's been happy
with the results, and Ashlee's letter illustrates this point
Every pussy is unique and beautiful, I have yet
to see a healthy one that I haven't loved looking at. I just happen
to like the well endowed ones more.
Love your body, and
don't show it to, or share it with anyone who doesn't love it too.
XOXO t_d