Spot on. I obviously have a penchant for large labia and clits
to be here on this site. My first two girlfriends were well
endowed, a few after that weren't, and I realised what I was
BUT I have been married for 11 years to one lady,
and her pussy is totally unremarkable. Why did I marry and
decide to start a family with her? Because when you fall in
love with a person, its the personality that matters and the
connection between two people, not whether they have a certain
physical characteristic (or not).
All the young posters who
fret about whether they will find a man to 'tolerate' them because of
their 'deformity' (and I can't believe they think of their own bodies
that way) - keep that in mind. If you do come across anybody
who is so superficial to judge you on the size of your boobs, the
length of your labia, whether you have 'hail damage' (cellulite) on
your thighs drop the immature twat like a hot scone and look for a
bloke/partner who will appreciate you for being you.
I have
often read "why is it that older men seem to be more accepting" or
"why don't young guys appreciate large labia"? Young blokes
probably haven't seem many vulva's, they are heavily influenced (as
are young women) by group behaviour (so if one giggles about 'beef
curtains' they all will despite the fact that there may be quite a
few who find that thought highly erotic). As young people grow
older (both sexes, but particularly young blokes who are slower to
mature) we become less concerned about conformity, and less worried
about what others will think of you. We also become more
confident, less concerned about superficial things and more
interested in the person behind the exterior.
Anyway, here
endeth the preaching from a 40 year old with quite a bit of
experience of ladies of all sorts and past and present love.