why do some naked ladies have a more prominent vagina than others..... ???/
November 7, 2009
Every one is different and every one is beautiful. More so than any other part of the body, vaginas say warm soft "Love" in so many different ways...its from the vagina that our nurturning mother bore us into the world...its in the vagina where we plant our seed to create new life...its in the vagina where we make love to the women we open our hearts to. They are cherished, forbidden, protected, held in tenderness of thought as well as wild primal lust. I think the vagina is the most fascinating part of the human body and while all of them are beautiful, I do indeed prefer them that have prominent labia which is how I actually found this site. Thanks for promoting this singular most defining aspect of feminine beauty.
First Officer Speaksbollox
July 3, 2010
why do some naked ladies have a more prominent vagina than others..... ???/