If your lover only provides 10-15 min's and is not in ore of your
equipment my dear...you need a replacement.
Mr "S"
October 15, 2009
hi i love your site! i have big inner labia that dangle down and a big clit which is great for me because it means i come at least 3 times in an average 10-15 min sex session. my boyfriend on the other hand doesnt like how big my labia and clit are...he prefers small neat pornstar pussies. i love this site because i actually know there are people just like me and men who love big juicy labia!!! maybe one day ill meet one of my own xx
Mr Salesmanship
October 15, 2009
If your lover only provides 10-15 min's and is not in ore of your
equipment my dear...you need a replacement.
Mr "S"
October 15, 2009
Very happy to see that you love the gifts that have
been bestowed upon you, and that you understand what they do for you.
Sorry that your boyfriend doesn't appreciate that as they
deserve to be appreciated though.
perhaps he should
see this site for himself, maybe that would set him straight about
what a real woman's pussy is supposed to look like.
If not
just look at it this way, If the two of you ever do break-up, the
chances are that the next man will love what you have, and your
current boyfriend will realize. Too late. Probably after having to
actually work to get his next girlfriend off, and after having to get
out a road map and compass to find her clit. what a treasure your
pussy really is. And then it will have been too late.
you're always welcome here if you ever need reassurance, or if
you feel the urge to help some lady who doesn't yet realize the
treasures she possesses with some much needed encouragement.
XOXO t_d
Gerry Gillespie
October 15, 2009
Hello Lush
Greetings. If your "boyfriend" does not appreciate
your beautiful labia and clit, then he does not deserve the honour of
being your boyfriend.
Release him so that he can go find himself
a pornstar with a "small neat pussy".
You really don't have
a problem, because there are many men, myself included, who would be
honoured to have you, and to appreciate, lick and suck your beautiful
succulent labia and clit.
Feel free to reach out to me. You have
my e-mail address.
The Marquis
October 16, 2009
Hello Lush, From what you say, it would appear that you have the wrong boyfriend, or that you need to find others to assist him in his duties. He apparently isn't inclined or isn't able to provide what you so obviously need. You have exactly the right attitude about yourself. You are beautiful, and very, very sexy. Keep producing all those orgasms.
October 16, 2009
hi lush,
we're here we're here.
send your
loveliness and i will admire and praise.
blissed b, -b
October 16, 2009
Hey Lush
I would love to meet anytime anywhere ( in Western
Canada that is)
But in the mean time if you were feeling
adventurous and wanted to sent a photo or two, they would be very
appreciated. My specialty is the the larger clitoris. Any you
gals are just tooooooo rare for my liking.
October 18, 2009
You'd think the guy would be delighted to have a girl who orgasmed a few times in 15 mins.
October 19, 2009
Hey Lush,
Ditto on shirker's thoughts above. . .
That said, you've met one of your own.
If he ever acts
like he's tired of licking and sticking your sex box, just give me a
holler. . .there's two things I never get tired of. . .pussy, and
women who come quickly and easily! =0)
- Eric