Wow.. I didnt even realize there was such controversy over the possibility of Lady GaGa being a man until i read this comment.. and googled it. I think its depressing and sad and I feel really bad for her... People make me sick...
September 4, 2009
Just wondering what the community thinks about this. Could it
be we are finally getting some "exposure" in the public eye.
I think she is my new hero. Any thoughts?
September 6, 2009
Wow.. I didnt even realize there was such controversy over the possibility of Lady GaGa being a man until i read this comment.. and googled it. I think its depressing and sad and I feel really bad for her... People make me sick...
September 7, 2009
FINALLY someone mentions Lady Gaga! She's got one of the hottest bulges I've seen in AGES, to the point where she's now being accused of being a guy :/ The poor woman, she's SO gorgeous! More power to her for flaunting what she was blessed with and not caring what people say.
September 8, 2009
Well then you can accuse me of being "gay" if you want, because I'd
knock Lady Gaga's socks off!
I think she's hot! =0)
When I read this thread, I googled it too, and read about it. . .
It is what it is.
She is what she acts like most,
and what she USES most in my opinion, and that would clearly be her
lady parts.
In the same article they also mentioned how
glamour brought in a model who was 180 lbs, and 5' 11" (size 12) and
wasn't "perfect" like most models. Don't know about you folks,
but she is HOT to me, and looks completely natural. I like
legs, and ass, so for me, she's smoking! =0)
September 9, 2009
Hey K
I think the public at large just has no idea that
people like you and me and Lady Ga Ga actually exist.
I love
that she is going sooooo public. I love her courage.
think you and me and everyone on this fabulous website are pushing
public awareness and that will just take time.
"Making the
world safe for the well endowed pussy one woman at a time."
September 9, 2009
See when the lady gaga thing went out in the press all my friends
were talking about it, saying how discusting they thought it was and
how she must be a man because of her bulge...MY BULGE IS BIGGER THAN
HERS! I was blushing as they were talking about it.. trying not to
say anything to controversial for them to clock on that i myself may
have large labia like hers.
I really wish the press would
just leave her alone, shes so tallented and beautiful, why
should it matter if she has larger labia or not.. from what ive heard
she's not short of offers from men so they obviously love her lips!
September 10, 2009
Hi Ron....
Im kind of confused....are you male or female?
September 10, 2009
I think Lady Ga Ga is hot. And no I don't think it's a penis.
and there goes Emily, teasing us again!
September 11, 2009
Sorry for the confusion
When I said people like you and me,
I meant woman who are genitally well endowed the the men and women
who love them.
I am all man. i just love women.
Tom J
September 12, 2009
I hadn't heard of this before. It annoys me how narrow minded people
are and again act as if women only have small & neat labia and clits.
Some people are so un-educated & stupid! Do they really know
that little about women's bodies? And it's not just guys, it's women
as well! I don't know if she will say anything, but if she did and
said something like, "well, yeah I do have big lips/clit, so what, so
do plenty of other women and it's completely natural, so get over it
and stop being so narrow-minded", it could only be good for all
there other similarly endowed women and then maybe it will educate
all the narrow-minded people that not all women have small neat
pussies and that it is completely natural to have a pussy such as
Every message that Emily writes makes me like her more
and think she's even hotter! Lol!
September 16, 2009
Haha thank you guys, id beg to differ but i really do appreciate the
compliments :)
I would have so much respect for lady gaga if
she were to stand up and tell the world about her big lips but shes
got enough publicity going for herself at the moment without the
extra press.. and as u say some people are so small minded, it may
put them off her music (however sad that would be)!!
Embarassing illnesses the program did do an episode on larger
lipped ladies, to try and bring more awareness about it.. but after
watching, the only awareness i got was about labia reductions! In
fact the week after i went to my GP and enquired how i myself could
get it done!
The doctor said that so sooo many people had come to
her after seeing the show to get this labia surgury! She gave me a
number to a surgury who did it in london but told me how dangerous it
was, and at the time i was only 18 so decided id wait until i fully
developed before making a decision... i havent had it done as yet,
and hope ill find a man who fully appreciates me and my lips soon or
i may re consider it again!
September 16, 2009
Well. . .
Like I said above. . .Lady GaGa can sit on my face
anyday. =0)
- Eric
September 17, 2009
Are you serious? A show called Embarassing Illnesses did a story on large labia? Wow.. that makes me feel greeaaaat... People are so ignorant...
September 17, 2009
You can beg all you want Emily(Please beg us!), but it won't change
the fact that your "problems" have driven many of the guys here wild
with desire even though we have yet to even see you.
won't be very long before we'll require you to show photographic
proof that your pussy is as unbelievably sexy as you've been
complaining that it is.
but only if you're at least 18 of
September 17, 2009
Im nearly 21 lol but would take me a lot to show anyone a photo of
myself at the moment (bar labi amore).. havent got that much
confidence yet! :P
And K, although the program is called
embarassing illnesses.. in their defence they are trying to get
people like us who are embarassed about our differences to talk out
and be proud of what we our born with, the show showed many different
sized labia, small long, fat, thin.. i just dont think they should of
talked about labia plastic surgury! lol
So going back to
lady gaga and her bulge.. what do u think when ur on holiday and see
girls with a bulge when they bend over the pick up towels etc, im
always really concerned when i do it.. xxx
September 18, 2009
Yo see Emily? There you go again.
I'm beginning to think
you're one of those girls that does really sexy shit all the time
without even realizing that what you're doing is so damn sexy.
Which all by itself is really sexy.
guess you haven't figured out that the bulge in your bathing suit is
just a hint of what's underneath. Kind of like the mouth-watering
aroma before a delicious meal.
when I see the bulge I begin
to daydream about what a beautiful pussy the woman must have. VERY
So, stop teasing us already!
Tom J
September 18, 2009
I'm not sure if I saw the same program that Emily saw or another one,
but I did see one this year I think it was. It showed a girl with
larger labia and had been teased by her sister and maybe other
people. Anyway, she had a consultation and she eventually went ahead
with the surgery. I think she was so brave to go on that program as
of course many people that she would have known could have seen it.
Although it showed that some women do have larger labia, as it ended
in surgery, it doesn't really help women out there that are unhappy,
concerned or think they are abnormal about their larger labia or
people out there that are ignorant and think that they are abnormal.
It would have been good if they had shown another girl that was
considering surgery, but decided on not to go ahead and was now happy
with how she was and so was her partner.
What do I think
about girls on beaches with bulges when they bend over? Well, as I
don't go to the beach that often, not so many women have larger labia
and that you'd have to be quite close to them to see it, I have never
come across it myself unfortunately. Maybe I should go to the beach
more often! Lol! I'll certainly be looking more in that area the next
time I go to a beach! But if I did see it, it would really turn me
on, which could be a little embarrassing wearing swimming shorts etc,
as we know what happens to guys down below when they get turned on!
September 22, 2009
Emily. . .
In response to your question:
going back to lady gaga and her bulge.. what do u think when ur on
holiday and see girls with a bulge when they bend over the pick up
towels etc, im always really concerned when i do it.. xxx
** You do NOT wanna know what I think! Let's
just put it this way. . .if you bend over in front of me, and have a
bulge in your panties, expect me to watch you -- hell I *might* even
reach out and grab something! I'm sure it'd put you off a bit,
but it would also probably silently turn you on, knowing what I'm
reaching for, and that I want it enough to reach out and grab it! =0)
November 1, 2010
I think Lady GaGa is a full function lady that is blessed bith a beautiful and large clit.