Derek T
November 29, 2005
I am so glad I found this site. I am also a fan of women with big
labia, and I think if any of you girls out there meet a man that makes
fun of you for it then it is his loss. As I'v read previous letters
written by other men I am glad to know I am not alone. In fact my
friends always look at me wierd when I say how much I enjoy the big
lips, (ex.) When watching porno, or in a magazine. My girlfriend has
sizable labia and she was amazed to hear that I enjoyed them because
the public eye portrays that as being a sign of a whore, or a dirty
girl. I love this site so much, I even put a link to it on my web page
and in my AIM profile for all to see. Thanks again and keep the images
and info coming.
Dear Derek T,
You're a guy who loves pussy more than your friends do. Not that they don't like it, but they're probably more interested in their own genitals than in the ones of their girlfriends. They represent the kind of guy who thinks that a woman's vagina is just a hole to put your dick in. Of course, like you suggest in your title, some of them could be simply hiding their love for big labia because they follow the loudest and dumbest of the group.
I believe that the more sexually mature a man is, the more he
appreciates the looks and touch of a woman's vagina, and the more
enjoyment he receives from pleasuring a woman. Sexual maturity is not
always related to age. You can be eighteen and be a master in the
bedroom, or you can be a sexual moron at age sixty-five. I don't know
how old you are, but you definitely sound more like the masterly type!