November 19, 2005
I just wanted to write a quick note telling you how much I appreciate
this website! I think I stumbled across it like most of the other
women who have written. From seeing Playboy and most porn, all of the
women have the same, uniform, tiny vulvas and I started to become
self-conscious of my own. I never really thought about it until
pretty recently. I decided to see if I was "normal" and again, only
found websites stating that in fact I was abnormal and needed surgery
to "correct my deformity". So of course I think about all my
ex-boyfriends and the guys I've had sex with...did they think my pussy
lips were disgusting? They never really made a comment about it
either way. My pussy lips aren't as large as many on this site but
they also don't look like the typical Playboy airbrushed type.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for creating a beautiful and
tasteful website celebrating women's beauty!
Dear BrownEyes,
There are plenty of surgeons who understand the cash value of women's insecurities with their bodies. It's an easy way of making money. All they need to do is reinforce women's belief that their labia and vulva are basically ugly, and that the more they show the uglier they are. I won't go as far as to blame these doctors for starting this nonsense, but they surely know how to play it out in their favor. Shame on them.