Exactly right Kaitlyn - however, I do think small lips are more of a challenge and quite fun to suck on in order to enlarge them, providing she's up for it :)
May 10, 2009
I'm a 19 year old woman who has an attraction towards large pussy lips. I myself have long pink lips, which I'm not ashamed of. I just think of it as more of a pussy to play with. =] Aside from that, theres nothing more sexy than sucking and pulling on a nice set of lucious lips. Barely noticeable labia just doesn't do it for me anymore. So ladies, please dont be ashamed of your labia, as you can see there are many men who adore long labia.
May 11, 2009
Exactly right Kaitlyn - however, I do think small lips are more of a challenge and quite fun to suck on in order to enlarge them, providing she's up for it :)
The Marquis
May 11, 2009
Kaitlyn, You definitely have the right idea. I wish more of these women understood just what a marvelous gift they have been blessed with. More of a pussy to play with is always a good thing.