November 14, 2005
recently I went to have an iud,removed(a contraception
device) and the gynocologist suggested that he do a little operation
to reduce my "too big attrophied" labia minora,to "pretty them up".He
then showed me his folder with pictures of before and after labia
surgeries,pointing out "see she was like you,now look at how pretty
and delicate her labia are" I left feeling ugly, went home and
mentioned this to my husband who said "if you want ,Ill pay for it"
which was not reassuring. I know they feel good and wish I had a lover
to make me feel good about them. Youre site has made me feel
better,though I am not sourounded by long labia lovers,it will be a
lonely acceptance" I look like the wommen on youre site,and I have a
beautiful face and body,so it is a pitty that some men think I dont
have a pussy to match... deflated pussy esteem....Jenna x
Dear jenna,
What an idiot that gyn! You say your vulva looks like the ones on this
site, and you're beautiful everywhere else as well...? He
should've dropped on his knees in worship the moment you spread your
legs in front of him! There are plenty of men who would give their
left arm to be with a woman like you. Please send me the name of that prick so I can write him a little note!