So you'd like to share your pictures with guys, whaouu what a nice program! It will be an honour to me to tell you back how i love your luscious lips !!
April 24, 2009
hey guys.
i am willing to share pictures of my vagina to all of
you guys.
just give a response with your e-mail adress
and i
will send you some pictures of my lucious lips.
also, it would be
nice if youd tell me how you like them :)
April 24, 2009
So you'd like to share your pictures with guys, whaouu what a nice program! It will be an honour to me to tell you back how i love your luscious lips !!
April 24, 2009
i'll certainly enjoy and tell.
April 24, 2009
Hello Labia
Am new to this site, and what a wonderful surprise.
As a lover of large lips I welcome the opportunity to view those
luscious lips of yours.
Bless you
April 25, 2009
this is an invitation that is too pleasing to past up. send the pictures and i will send my response
The Marquis
April 25, 2009
I would appreciate seeing the photos which you want to share. I encourage any woman on this site to display what they are talking about here, which is the configuration of their labia. The more puffy and engorged, the better. The longer and more protruding the better. You ladies are blessed with the things which men find to be most exciting and attractive. Enjoy them, share them, use them.
Mr Salesmanship
April 25, 2009
photographed hanging down whilst kneeling please
many thanks
Mr "S"
April 25, 2009
Hi Labia
Would love to see your Large Lips,hope I am not too late
Dutch labialover
April 26, 2009
Hi labia
Very kind to share your labia pics!
I'm looking out
to see them.
I'm pleased te tell you about them.
Keep up the
good work!
Thanks, dutch ll.
April 26, 2009
me too......I will send some of mine if you like too
April 26, 2009
hey, i'd love to see the pics.
April 27, 2009
Please add me to the list
April 27, 2009
Send em through
Mr Salesmanship
April 27, 2009
Shame not all the girls visiting this site are as generous as
yourself my dear......Oh that they were!
Mr "S" X
April 27, 2009
send em here. cant wait.
April 27, 2009
I'd enjoy a picture.
Gerry Gillespie
April 27, 2009
Hello Labia
I could not believe my eyes when I read your generous
offer to share pics of your large lips. I am thankful for having
discovered this site, and already I am hooked on it. Am looking
forward to receiving your pics - -- I can hardly wait.
April 28, 2009
I'd love to see what your "snatch" looks like. =0)
I have a
genuine love for "cooch" pics. =0)P
April 29, 2009
Hey Sexy Libia!
I would LOVE some lib/pussypics.
Send some 4 you in exchange!
I must admit I'm a bit jelous.
Mine aren't nearly as impressive as some on here! I'm
Very bi, so I have my playmates workin' on it. In a year or so,
I'll send some to post on the site.
April 30, 2009
Hi Guys,
I too am bicurious and would love to see other
women with labia like mine. Have caramel complexion and thick long
labia and clit. Love to share pics if possible.
Hope to hear
from you
May 5, 2009
i would love to see your vagina. i even have some pics to swap with anyone of girls i know or of me let me know. also i have yahooIM same screenname
May 5, 2009
Please send me pics darling. I love big hanging pussy lips.
Slave to my Mistress
May 6, 2009
I would love to see and reply to your pictures,
May 13, 2009
Please put me on your emailing list. Love em big!! It's nice to see clit too!!
big lips lover
May 17, 2009
I would love to see some of your picture that would make my day. thanks
May 28, 2009
would enjoy viewing labia pics
June 7, 2009
Would love to see them
June 8, 2009
Hope i am not late, i love to see your lips, please add me in your
Labia lover
June 30, 2009
I would be delighted to see as many pics of you and your labia as possible. You are a most generous and obviously confident and proud woman to share such a private, and precious part of your body.
July 28, 2009
Am i too late?
Sam xx
July 31, 2009
Am I too late also? If not, hit me up! I'll make sure to give in depth comments:)
October 22, 2009
mmm!! I'm probably late but hope I can get some.. would love to see :)
October 30, 2009
I´m one of the growing crowd of guys who adore big lips, so I would be pleased to get some pics - thanks in advance!
May 8, 2010
I love women with big lips I hope that I'm not late either...I adore women who confident to show their private part...please send me alright...thanks...if u hve a new photo that would be nice....