I think all woman look good, smell good in their own way cos that is how god makes us to be our own selves and we should be appreciated for who we are in any way shape or form....
April 12, 2009
I think it's great that women with large lips aren't looked down on
or made to feel like what they have is not normal because the last
thing anyone wants to feel like is a freak but are you aware that's
exactly what you're doing to those who aren't big?
Mine are
small and after reading some of these letters, especially the
responses of the men, the only thing that crosses my mind is suicide.
My God, it's bad enough that there is so much pressure on women
to look a certain way but now this? If women who are smaller
like me end up killing themselves or at the very least, drinking
themselves into a deep depression, I would not be the slightest bit
surprised if this site is one of the causes of it. The last
thing a woman wants if for a man to think she looks disgusting down
there and now I know for a fact that no man would ever want me or any
women who's smaller because we're not huge.
I use to feel
confident about how I looked down there but now I don't. Thanks
a lot.
April 13, 2009
I think all woman look good, smell good in their own way cos that is how god makes us to be our own selves and we should be appreciated for who we are in any way shape or form....
April 13, 2009
dear julianne,
the point of this site is being proud of whatever
you have, and in particular to rejoice in the forms that the ignorant
or greedy tell us are inferior.
i myself am a man who appreciates
large labia and also have a partner whom i love who has a smaller
one. all i have to do to make her larger is get real close. magic.
and wonderful.
if suicide is your reaction then please seek
a therapist to help.
this site could not cause the deeper pain it
sound like you suffer.
may we all find the love in our hearts
that appreciates all our sacred endowments. blessings, -b
Mr Salesmanship
April 13, 2009
Have you ever had one of those days when you cant please any body -
well it is Easter and neither could JC and look what happen to him,
do try to be happy with what you have dear there is plenty out there
that envy you.
Mr "S"
April 14, 2009
That responce was just silly. Have you not read any of the responces
from women? we WANT to be like you. These men are just giving us some
confidence. The point is to be happy with what you have. Ive been
with some very experienced men, and they DONT care waht you look like
down there as long as you are clean. Some men prefer longer like some
men prefer smaller. Its just a matter of caring for the person. If
you have small lips and your dating a man who may prefer the larger
ones it doesnt mean he doesnt like your small lips. Its a preference.
I personally would prefer a circumsized dick. But if i am with
someone who isnt cut it doesnt mean i am going to break up with them
or hate them or be discusted with them. I think your just looking for
something to blame for your own insecurities. This isnt the place to
go, because this is where we go to feel better about yourselves.
Ps. Suicide isnt an option, if you want long lips so bad stretch
them. (appearantly you can do that) But dont blame this site for you
wanting to commit suicide because i can guarentee that because of
this site there are alot less suicides that there could have been.
Not going to lie, before i found this site i concidered it. But like
any man will tell you, vaginas come in many different shapes and
sizes. and most men love them all!
April 14, 2009
Julianne, why compare?
What you have is perfect.
point of this site is for women to love what they have in all shapes
and sizes.
The only thing 'wrong' with you is the fact that you
think there is something physically wrong with your body!
yourself, enjoy what you have!
April 14, 2009
Shawna you're so right!
April 14, 2009
'Small' labia are seen as normal in the media. So women with large labia need reassurance all the time. I've spoken to guys who prefer smaller labia. You are looking in the wrong place if you want compliments... I suggest you find a website made for small labia... or make one. This website is for reassurance and self confidence too. Nobody on this site has said that they dislike small labia. This is a site made for big labia... what were you expecting?
The Marquis
April 14, 2009
Shawna is absolutely on the money here. I have met few women who were happy with their bodies. It's unfortunate, but it seems to be a fact. Don't worry about the models who are held out to be the "ideal" by the various media. Most of that is simply false and misleading. We all have our preferences about various aspects of the bodies of others, and there are enough who prefer any one type to keep you busy for the rest of your life, no matter your shape or size. The real key is to learn to love yourself, to be excited about what you have to offer, to enjoy your own sexuality.
April 16, 2009
"My God, it's bad enough that there is so much pressure on women to
look a certain way but now this?"
Julianne, that is exactly
how many women with large labia feel! And many of those women are
driven to consider having surgery--surgery!!--to make themselves feel
better, when they have nothng to feel bad about. So that is the
purpose of this site--to let those women know they are normal,
beautiful, and have little to fear as far as men go.
And you
have the same task at hand--to know that you are nomal, beautiful,
and have little to fear in regards to men. Men love women of all
shapes and sizes, and that includes you.
Just don't start
hating on women with large lips. I've seen insecure large-lipped
women put down women with small lips, and it's very unattractive.
Just enjoy what you have, and go from there.
Mr Salesmanship
April 17, 2009
Did not I post there would come a day when there would indeed be a
market for artifical one's some time back.
there I go again
a head of my time, can we take your order now dear or would you like
a fitting first ?
April 18, 2009
Why would you go to this site? This site is to encourage woman with big lips that there are men that love big lips so that they dont cut them and change what God has given them. Your small lips are also great. (Just not on this site). Thats like straight people going to a gay site. STAY AWAY AND YOU WONT FEEL LIKE KILLING YOURSELF!!!!!!
August 4, 2009
I think there are a few things that you can take away
from here ...
First, and foremost, that there is infinite variety
in all aspects of the human form and that there are people that there
are people who appreciate all or some variations in different ways.
Some people appreciate different things differently. Some
people like summer, some winter, some like loafers, some combat
boots, some like salad, some steak. Love who YOU are.
Your genitals, your body, your heart, your mind. Don't
let people who don't see your intrinsic beauty have control over how
you see yourself.
A lot of the women who have come here
are seeking acceptance from others and for themselves because they
don't have what you have. Some people are here because larger
labia is what they prefer. Media and advertising spend billions
trying to make us self-conscious and un-accepting of ourselves so
that we will buy their products. Don't let them win.
Don't let anything lead you to think about suicide. No
one else's opinion is worth even the thought. As you read
through this site, read other sites, read advice columns, wander the
self-help section at a book store, go through daily life, you can see
that we are wounded, lost, lonely, and beautiful souls trying to find
love, sex, acceptance and happiness. Please try and find that
for yourself.
We are all imperfectly perfect. I came here
looking for more acceptance for my labia and this has helped me
immensely. Now I need to find a site for pudgy bellies and for
still getting pimples at 39. Then I will be all set!!
What I mean is that we absolutely have to learn to love
ourselves and each other in all the variety and range that we have.
Humans are a wacky, confusing and complex creature. What
makes us human is all this diversity. Accept and be confident
about yourself, your sexuality and your body. We are all
entitled to that. Give yourself that gift. Call it an
early christmas present that will pay you back every day for the rest
of your life.