I am not sure it should be you loveing them in the first place dear,
my thoughts would be that your comfort would be found if you had some
one who loved them for you ??
Mr "S"
April 12, 2009
I am up and down about my lips. They are dark and long and sometimes i love them other days i just think they are disgusting help me out....
Mr Salesmanship
April 12, 2009
I am not sure it should be you loveing them in the first place dear,
my thoughts would be that your comfort would be found if you had some
one who loved them for you ??
Mr "S"
The Marquis
April 12, 2009
You must understand what a sexual plus they are, what a great advantage you have over other women. Both men and women find your darker, longer lips very exciting. Personally, I believe that has to do with the fact that they appear more excited, and a turned on woman is the best aphrodesiac in the world. you possess what others desire. Enjoy it.
April 13, 2009
dear mel,
what happens on your down days?
how do they feel to
you? do you love them up? breath energy into them.
certainly an
admirer might help. there are places you could post yourself in image
that would generate much admiration.
blessings, and let me know if i
can help.