Not exactly k it is that we live longer, and talk about it more
freely in later years.
Mr "S"
March 17, 2009
So I think I am noticing a trend.. It seems like most of the guys who are attracted to large labia are older men... Is this true? If people dont mind posting their age with their comments, it would be nice to see how opinions and comments differ by age....
Mr Salesmanship
March 18, 2009
Not exactly k it is that we live longer, and talk about it more
freely in later years.
Mr "S"
March 18, 2009
My boyfriend is only 21 and can't stop playing with my labia.. and no he's not gay.
March 19, 2009
he can't stop playing with your labia and you think the we might judge him to be gay???
March 19, 2009
Minnie Minnie Minnie Your bf is lucky. My wife have very small labia
Therefore I am very jelous of the men who can look out tonight for
large lips to suck and lick Sorry me spelling Im from South Africa Is
there ang woman, young or older who would love to mail me and send
pic of their large lips
Love large lips
March 20, 2009
I'm 21, thats not old and I think that full luscious labia are very
Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori
March 21, 2009
Good taste knows no age restrictions.
March 24, 2009
I think that the way this site is set out makes it sound like
everyone is a lot older than they are. Because this site is set up to
make women understand that this is what men like and give them a
confidence boost that what they have is beautiful, it has got rid of
the childish comments that may have come from the younger members. It
is a 'classy' website to share information and the love of sexy large
I myself am 23 years old and had my first encounter
with large labia at the mere age of 17. I have been hooked ever since
March 24, 2009
No but he can be mistaken for a gay guy as he is very pretty :-P i can tell when he is wanting to suck my labia as he starts to suck my neck as he would my labia... too much detail, sorry!
March 26, 2009
hi K,
i responded at my earliest sexual age to large labia but
oddly did not figure out that that was what i was turned on by until
35 or so. and now at 45, i am sure. really sure. :-)
January 12, 2010
I may be in my forties but I have been " Hooked on Large Lips" since my teens. I got my first look at 17 and have been i love with them ever since.....