By volume, or if you like percentage, there are far more men looking for what you have, than those looking for a mear slit surrounded by simply a few wiskers! and whats more the trend is vastly on the increase. Lucky Girl
February 26, 2009
I have a some-what big labia minora. I always thought it looked a bit odd, as all the girls in porn I watch seem to have neat, pink, tiny little pussies and mine is kind of large and relatively dark. I hate it! I'm very insecure and unsure on how to become comfortable with my genitals.
Mr Salesmanship
February 27, 2009
By volume, or if you like percentage, there are far more men looking for what you have, than those looking for a mear slit surrounded by simply a few wiskers! and whats more the trend is vastly on the increase. Lucky Girl
The Marquis
March 3, 2009
Are you a woman using a man's name? Sven doesn't seem very female. In any event, the longer labia minora hang out of a pussy, the better. Even better if they are pierced. Play with them, pull on them. Realize that they are a big advantage to you, and enjoy them to the fullest. You are very fortunate to possess a lengthy pair.