Mr Salesmanship
February 19, 2009
How many time's have l heard people say that money can't buy love, I
sure wish I could answer that. Yet having said that, it certainly
allow's for a large number of contenders to apply for the vacancy, as
you might say.
The problem now becomes similar to that of the
princess in reverse, you have to kiss a lot of frog's. Whilest that
in it's self can be fun, it is also time consuming. In truth the
money does'nt matter that much, because as time goes by it will not
buy any more ( time that is )
So then if we have estabished that
the money is not important what does that leave us with - love ? or
just another form of lust - and what's the difference if a person is
This site more than any other, to me, at least, as found a
balance between, love and lust, desire and passion, want's and
need's. More than that, if time is given to reading it's mail, there
is most undoutably the foundation for an extreemly exclusive dating
site, not to mention the wild and exeptional possibilites presented
by an escort agency.
But, there I go again thinking in terms of
money, sorry, I have always been this way, I find it so easy to earn
money, I am alway's suprised more people don't do it.
In over
forty year's of flying all around this world, several marrage's,
countless adventure's, I don't think I ever found love - lust - yes,
but love no.
For me the words, desire, need, want, all roll up
into a term, which, for me at least, have a far more human trait than
just simply love.
Personal choice in the configerations of your
chosen partners genitals also being an aquired taste of the
dissesarning, or, to put it another way, only those who know where
they are going ever get there.
All that said, which would you
like to see win (money or love) and why. Dare you first of all be
honest to yourself or question the diffrence - the pros and cons as
it were before offering an opinion.
In the final analasis let me
say that I have heard people say "money is'nt everything" for year's,
the strange thing about this though is, that those useing this
careless pharase never themselves seem to have any ?
While you
may not very easily see the comparison, this is not unsimilar to that
of false teeth, in so much as practicaly every one say's that one's
own are so much better, yet as they still have them in reality
they are unable to render a true comparison
There are several
other site's out there deadicated to that wonderfull part of the
female anatomy - but - I hasen to say none better, some very much
larger, in fact huge. Yet our Labi Amore as truly cornered the market
on photografic images, thank goodness. That said I feel that you
truly gifted girls with "super" pussy's should send in piccy's of
your's to maintain this proud achievement of Labi's and assist her to
carry this super flag on ward and forward. Into web site history and
Thankyou girls and ladie' is my joy to
love you all.