once worried
October 10, 2005
thanks for your site as i have always been worried about my big inner
labia an thought that i was deformed or something, i have put of
having sex with my boy friend and still am a vigin but i think that
this site has really helped me even though i have to look at it every
night to think i am normal, there is always the worry that my boy
friend has neva had sex with any one with big labia before and he
thinks that it is weird.
thanks for the site, what i have been
loking for for ages xxxxx
Dear once worried,
There are some other girls here that felt the same way about their bodies. They eventually took the step to show their pussy to their boyfriends and as expected the guys loved it. You too can bite this bullet, whenever you're ready for it. You're at a point where you've come to accept yourself. You know you're normal. In fact, you know that your big inner labia are hot and give you some serious sex appeal. Your boyfriend will probably be delighted when he sees them! Of course, don't feel pressured to have sex with anyone, but if both of you have the urge for it ...I say let go and enjoy your sexuality!
Since I don't know your boyfriend, I can't be one hundred percent sure what his reaction towards your pussy will be of course. Neither can I change his mind... in case he doesn't like large inner labia. But what I can do is help build-up your inner strength and confidence through these words and these pages. Continue to visit the site and read the letters from all the guys and girls that posted here.
Soon you will feel so self-assured that you will
focus more on the pleasure that awaits you instead of on the unlikely
rejection. When you finally take that first step towards sharing your
sexuality with him, you will be able to handle yourself with pride
and dignity, no matter what his reaction is. If that means you need
to grab him by the neck and show him the door, so be it. It's much
more likely though that you guys will be spending lots and lots of
steamy afternoons together, doing all kinds of beautiful lovemaking!