September 28, 2005
For all those ladies who have the slightest complex about the size of
their labia, please understand that this is a place of a true
gentlemens worship. For all those ladies considering cosmetic surgery
on their labia please, oh please understand that true gentlemen
appreciate your swolen, elongated, engulfed, protruding, sexy labia.
Don't change a thing.
Without question, this is the best
place to show off those wares.
Thank You for the great work!
Dear Augie,
There are times I wonder why we as men get so upset about girls who want to have 'cosmetic' labia surgery. I mean, we don't know these women and we will almost certainly never meet them. I don't know how many of them actually get it done, let's say a few thousand a year.
Meanwhile, six thousand girls per day have their labia chopped off and mutilated ...against their will. These poor African and Arab girls who lose their complete vulvas do not have a choice. They are overpowered by adults and violently robbed of their femininity.
I think that is exactly what pisses us off about Western women who choose for labia removal, that they don't have to undergo this but still choose for it out of ignorance. Most of them do it not because of physical discomfort but because they mistakenly believe it is unattractive.