August 7, 2005
This must be one of my all time faverite websites...all this time I
thought that the only people that liked long labia were me, some
weirdos, and a few obscure tribes in Africa. It is really special to
me to hear from females that the Labia is supposed to be sexy.
There are four things that made life more exciting for me, and
they are all post-femiminist things that would never have been
possible in my parent's day.
1. "Eve's Secrets" by Josephine
Sevely. It told how there are a complete set of homologues between
female and male:clitoris /penis, labia majora/scotum, labia
minora/foreskin, skene's glands/prostate, testis/ovary , vagina-uterus
/ prostatic utricle,etc. It said that women have erections (clitoris)
, and females can even ejaculate with the help of some new types of
effort and practice.
I was a young teen when the book came
out, and it really helped me to relate to girls/women in a co-ed
world. Where as my parent's generation saw genders as alien to each
other. Co-ed is much more fun.
2. "Vagina Monologues" by Eve
Ensler. I was in college at the time. I still had the values of home/
hearth/maternity left over from the baby-boomers that surrounded me. I
was bored and unhappy with women and dating. "Vagina Monologues"
brought female sexuality to the public. She said females were sexual
beings with sexual desires, and the old values were respressive and
against nature. She stated that the female's clitoris has twice the
nerves of the penis, and women yearn for orgasm. It made women seem
exciting again. I was very happy.
3. The increase in female
artists. It used to be that artists were men and women were only
models. Now I see many instances of women on both sides of the canvas.
It has produced a new aesthetic that I find to be fresh. I would say
that I find female-Artist / female-Model works to be of superior
quality and content. I have amassed a sizable collection of all-female
works. This is because they know how to make the art show female
sensuality without being obscene.
The problem with
traditional male made art , was that it was really based on male
models (a historical legacy), and had concepts like "Pudenda" where
the female body was always bad. So you had bland or obscene, and
that's it. Female artists have changed all that. The female body is
presented boldly, and openly. The models in the works are confident,
sexy, and smart at the same time. LABIA LOVERS should note that the
art done by female artists proudly show the labia. The "Pudenda"
(hidden genitals) is over.
4. Your website. Everyone else
has the same old crap about big boobs. Breasts are nice, but guys
today are more complex/sophicated, and need more to get turned on.
Without the influence of organized religion or traditional culture;
males naturely focus on the labia. The old boobs/legs/ass stuff gets
stale. Luckily, our society has gotten the point where women are
empowered to express themselves in the media.
Females love
attracting males, and we love being attracted. For example, I am sure
that all men are grateful that women wear bras. We have gotten past
the bra burning era, and now men pay the Victoria's Secret bill.
With the new labia play, labia jewelry , etc, and openess to talk
about it: Men have even more to be excited about.
Dear Rob,
I'm humbled by your praise and I don't have much to comment, your letter speaks for itself. Very interesting!