July 23, 2005
On the seventh day God created his final masterpeice....large labias!
Yes folks, one of the true wonders of the wold are pouting, full labia
minora. Nothing on a woman looks sexier, nothing is more feminine,
nothing entices attention more then pussy lips that are ripe and full.
I myself am one of the honoured few who are married to a lady who has
been blessed with large labia. They way they stand out proudly from
the rest of her beautiful body scream "lick me, suck me, tease me".
I have been lucky enough to be invlolved with two women in my
life who where gifted in the lower lip department, and it just seems
so natural to have something like a large set of soft, moist labia in
my mouth whilst hearing my lady moan and sigh with contentment. I
cannot believe that her previous partner considered them "too much"
and refused to indulge in the magical taste and feel of large pussy
lips.....oh well, his loss!
To all you ladies out there with the
gift of oversize labia, be proud, be happy and most of all be
unashamed of sharing them with the world.....well at least a few lucky
men, or women.
Dear James,
Maybe her previous partner wasn't that much into labia, if you catch my drift.