Hello young lady, I think just reading the letters on this site, many from young girls like yourself, and guys who love big labia! should help you to realise that there is nothing wrong with you or that you are certainly not alone in your feelings towards yourself in that area. Also keep looking at the gorgeous girls on this site with pussies like you and hopefully you will grow in confidence as you get older and know that actually variety is normal! There are plenty of girls who have large labia. I wish this site was around when I was younger. Im 44 now and had the same hang ups as you about my pussy. But let me tell you Iv always had an active sex life, have had 1 night stands and long relationships in my time so far, and have never had a bad comment from a guy. Interestingly enough, It has only been from girls with compact pussies that have said yuk to a different pussy and I think its just that they think that all pussy is like theirs and also, in many magazines, thats all they see aswell. Also read on this site about female mutilation! and feel lucky that your not born in that culture that castrates women. Good luck! and remember its normal to be different!