The Irresistible Sex Appeal of Women With Large Labia
"Do you think my large labia are
sexy?" Yelena asked playfully.
Her question didn't immediately register with me. My mouth was too busy enjoying
the feel of her swollen vulva, which was experiencing little post-orgasmic aftershocks.
"Hey you down there! You think my large pussy lips look sexy?"
This time I looked up at her and noticed her teasing eyes. When I
tried to speak, my tongue felt too tired and numbed from hours of oral indulgence.
But I must have been glowing with lust however, because she said:
"I know baby, I know you think they're sexy. Now continue please!"
Many are the times that I spend my evening lapping up delicious nectar from
her honey
pot. Although she is often the one to initiate these love sessions,
that hasn't always been the case. When we met a few years
ago she wouldn't let me even look at her large labia, never mind letting me
go down on her.
At first I couldn't understand her embarrassment.
I would ask her and she'd just say she wasn't comfortable with the looks of her
pussy. Damn... it was the prettiest and sexiest kitty I had ever seen!
How could she think that her labia weren't nice to look at? How could
she not see that those were very sexy labia?
From Labia Shame to Labia Love
Only a few years ago, in the late nineties, many women felt still very uneasy
about the appearance of their vulva. It was probably centuries of sexual oppression
and what-not that led them to believe that the vulva has no purpose aside from
being the entrance of the vagina. Worse, as a woman you were not supposed to
look "down there," and if you did you should feel shame and disgust.
Consequently, my girl Yelena and many others thought that the more a vulva was
noticeable—like having large inner lips—the less it was desired by men.
But these days things are different. More and more women understand
that their vulva is often part of what makes them attractive to their partner. Thanks
to self-empowering books about female sexuality by people like
Queen, Betty
Dodson, Annie
Sprinkle and others, women finally understand that not only is it all right
for themselves to look "down there," it is a must! They realize that this fleshy
outward structure is so much more than just "the outside of the vagina."
In effect, a vulva is almost like an organ itself.
Together with women's growing confidence and love for their vulva and labia comes
also a greater interest in the subject by men. Sure, men have instinctually enjoyed labia
minora all along, they just never thought that much of them. Whereas most guys used to be
indifferent or ignorant about the appearance of the outer female genitals, they are
now aware how they're attracted, mesmerized, even awestruck by the various shapes and sometimes
large sizes of vulvas and labia minora. In other words, instead of just
enjoying the labia, they now love them.
Best of all, it seems that this labia love is not just some temporary fad but rather a lasting
awareness that a well-defined vulva with prominent labia minora contributes to a woman's femininity.

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